nth occurrence text function - finds nth time a character occurs in a string
I would like the ability to use a function that allows me to search for the nth time a character or string of characters occurs in a concatenated key. Currently, we import text string keys from source systems and derive business information from these strings. For instance, we might have the transaction key…
Mousing-over part of a formula should show its current computed value
Normally when writing code I can troubleshoot my code by stepping through it piece by piece to see where things fall apart. In order to accomplish this in Anaplan i tend to have to create separate line items with pieces of my formula to see how they compute. To help a modelbuilder better troubleshoot formulas without…
User-list filtering
A user-list filter that would show the current user on dashboard views and other outputs, to record who was looking at the user
To have the functional capability to sort by column-specific attributes
A description of the enhancement required: To have the functional capability to sort by column-specific attributes An example of the enhancement The basic sorting functionality offered by excel, wherein one can sort column-specific data by alphabetical and descending / ascending order A story for why the enhancement is…
Allow copy/paste from right click menu (without using hotkeys)
When you click copy and paste in the right click menu in Anaplan, copy works, but paste tells you to enter the hot keys instead. I would like my end users to be able to click paste and have Anaplan paste the value with out them needing to use the hot keys. This would be a benefit as it would help end users that are not…
Option to open Settings Menu Items as Tabs
In our model, we have 220+ dashboards and 400+ modules. When going between looking the list of modules and the list of dashboards, the lists reset my view at the top, causing me find the one I wanted to look at again, this can be very time consuming. Ideally I'd be able to open these Settings Menu items as tabs, so that…
Stop the mistake research processing
As a Model Builder, I would like to be able to stop the mistake research by using an action button. This processing can be very long when we are building an heavy model (5-10 minutes) and most of the time we already know where is the mistake (format, etc.). That's why we can save a lot of time if we could click to stop the…
Bulk Copy by Month
In the model, Version section, a user would have the ability to run a bulk data copy between time periods/months across and between versions. The new functionality would include: * Bulk copy - ability to select the specific month(s) to copy from one version to another. * Bulk copy - ability to select the month(s) to copy…
Showing Module Notes on Model Map
The new notes functionality allows a brief description of each module to be added to the Anaplan model. This is great as it provides in-model documentation and also forces model builders to really think of the purpose of each module and justify its existence in the model. This enhancement idea is to display these module…
Format checker
I want Anaplan to check if the FORMAT of my line item correspond the the formula i'm entering BEFORE starting the calculation and if the format doesn't match the expected result, i want Anaplan to hold the calculation until i can change the format to match the formula results.
FEATURE REQUEST: Universal List that can be used in all Models
Currently, the process to use same list across different models is a complicated process of importing lists from one model to another. If Anaplan really plans to be the a Connected Planning tool, they should have a feature of having a Universal List that can be used across all models without doing import. I am proposing…
Allow Week Format for Timescale Weeks:General
Description of the enhancement required: Improve Timescale Weeks:General An example of the enhancement: Ability to define a week in 3 ways, like in other timescales: W/e, W/c and Week No A story for why they want the enhancement, (how would it help their business process): A number of industries are very seasonal. Think…
Increase 60 minute, no activity model unload
A description of the enhancement required: As an Workspace Admin I want a solution that prevents Anaplan to go out of in memory after 60 min because I need to prevent my end users to be confronted with a long load time. An example of the enhancement: Could be an option to set time slots when a model should always be kept…
Copy Branch should have the option for list formatted line items that are copied to update to the co
Description of the enhancement required: When using Copy Branch, Anaplan should give the user an option about how it copies blue (editable) cells - particularly for List formatted line items. The user should have the option for list formatted line items that are copied to update to the correct list item automatically. This…
Model save activation threshold should be reviewed
Description of the enhancement: Currently, if a model has six or more users it will save after 600 seconds worth of changes, and if it has less than six, it will save after 60 seconds worth of changes. There are development-stage models with more than six users that would benefit from saving every 60 seconds. Example of…
Improved ALM Error Reporting
Description of the enhancement required: Add more detail to error messages for ALM sync failures An example of the enhancement: When there's a ALM sync failure the current message to the customer is "An internal error has occurred", however most of the time the specific cause of the failure is captured in the logs. You…
Support aggregation over time dimension
Description of the enhancement: Currently if the Source has a time dimension then the result must also when using SUM. Users would like to be able to aggregate over time dimension. How this would help our business processes: It would remove the need to do the following workaround. If you have: Result = A.a[Sum A.b] Result…
Connecting two subsets in formulas
Description: I want to save server space and put all promo packs to a subset, but I have two types of promo packs, which have different calculations. Eventually I am obliged to sum them up without use of subset, which occupies a lot of excessive space. Example of enhancement: Create total promo packs subsets out of two…
As a builder, I need to implement more advanced workflows
Description: Would be great to add workflow functionality that includes * Submission and approval workflows * Trigger an event on an action or on approval * Use workflow status in formulas
Auto size columns
Description: As a model builder, I'd like to be able to auto-size my columns Example of enhancement: Auto resize option in column settings
An NPV formula that calculates as Excel's does
Description: To have an NPV formula function that calculates NPV exactly as Excel's period-based NPV formula does. Benefit/impact: Current NPV formula returns results as Excel's XNPV formula does (using elapsed days instead of periods). We are in a position of having prospective customers and existing customers use…
Ability to collapse/group module views
Description: Currently Views when they are setup are listed under a module. It would be useful if there was a way to hide views, only show relevant views to users (i.e. they MUST be able to decide what they want to see not an ADMIN), or at the very least a way to collapse/group the views. Benefit/impact: Currently one of…
History Enhancement: Details of changes to workflow status
Description: Currently changes to workflow status appear as follows in model history. ||ID||Date/Time (UTC)||User||Description||Previous Value||New Value||Module/List||Line Item/Property||Target User|| |0001|2017-01-01 00:00:00|user@anaplan.com|Model change (no details available)| | | | | | This does not give any…
Adding and removing Workspace Administrator Privileges to be correctly recorded in Model History
Description: I would like to be able to record the action of adding or removing Workspace Administrator Privileges in Model History. Example of enhancement: * Open Settings -> Users. * Tick Administrator Privileges for a user who does not currently have them. (eg. tester@anaplan.com) * Un-tick Administrator Privileges for…
Request for keyboard navigation and selection in TreeView of List Settings
Description: With the mouse, I am able to select multiple tree nodes and drag-n-drop them to a new location. This is great. I would like to be able to make the tree selection using keyboard and close with the drag-n-drop, or a Copy-Paste operation to complete this action. Example of enhancement: Steps would be: 1. Focus…
Ability to archive versions in a model
Desription of the enhancement: We would like the ability to 'archive' versions within a model, so that we can save the data and look back at it later, but it will not take up space. Note that version subsets will not fully meet this requirement, because if you remove a version from a subset in a module, you will lose data…
Include slicer functionality similar to excel - i.e. save filters in a button
Description of the enhancement required: Enabling slicer facility in Anaplan tool like the one in Excel https://support.office.com/en-gb/article/use-slicers-to-filter-data-249f966b-a9d5-4b0f-b31a-12651785d29d How would it help your business process: Customer would need this facility of Slicer enhancement due to multiple…
Set conditional formatting by formula
Description of the enhancement required: Improve conditional formatting by allowing formulas. An example of the enhancement: Have it function similar to excel where formulas can be used to test for conditions. How would it help their business process: Extra line items must be used to check for a condition, if conditional…
Improve error message where you are unable to give a list item a child
Description of the enhancement: Improve error message where you are unable to give a list item a child, if it has a child item in a different list You are unable to give a list item a child, if it has a child item in a different list. Error: "Parent item has a child item that is in a different list: You can only add a…
Option to not include current period in YTD calculation but in YTG instead
Description of the enhancement required: YTD calc should NOT include the current week and YTG should include the current week. How would this engancement improve your processes: I do several YOY indexes and they are all incorrect because of this. When I compare YTD this year to YTD prior year there is always extra data in…