Using LOOKUP and SUM with Formula summary method
A detailed description of the enhancement that is being requested. We would like to request an enhancement that would allow to use LOOKUP and SUM with Formula summary method. Currently Anaplan doesn’t allow to do so, although in many cases it is needed and doesn’t break the math. If available, could you please provide a…
Ability to copy a process
It would be nice to have the possibility to copy a process. This will save some time when developing, because you can easily amend a simular process instead of collecting all actions again.
New Modelling Experience: New formula editor goes straight into edit mode
In the new modelling experience, when expanding the formula bar to display the whole formula in the new formula pane at the bottom of the screen it goes straight into 'edit' mode. This means that if you then click on another line item it adds '+[Line Item Name] onto the formula without you meaning to do so. Anaplan need to…
Statistical Functions Package: Normal Distribution
Concept: Include basic Statistical Functions in Anaplan Description: I miss some basic statistical functions among the available functions. These formulas are extremely useful when it comes to calculate chances or risks, which is a common and useful bit within the forecast calculations. A good example is the lack of a…
Ability to open a module directly from drill down dialog
Drill down is helpful, but once I find what I want to look at in order to open the module, I have to do the following steps: remember / copy the module name, close out of the drill down dialog, go to settings tab, select modules, search for the module, select it and click open. This is a workflow is tedious and pretty…
Open the saved view if you save a view
When creating a saved view, it will not open by default, but you need to open the saved view in order to finetune it. It will benefit the model builders, because now a lot of times you create a saved view and you need to remember to open it again before making more changes to the view and continue saving. A lot of times…
Ability to sum based on boolean
Description of enhancement required Ability to allow to aggregate using Boolean mapping. Currently mapping can only be applied over List elements. It would simplify many formulas if we could simply SUM/PRODUCT over TRUE/FALSE Boolean values. An example of enhancement - See example below *List called "Client" with 3 items.…
Drilldown highlights relevant logic string
When a user uses the drilldown feature it would be awesome if the platform highlighted the particular logic string that was being applied within the formula to determine the final result. This would be helpful to parse long, complex formulas with many possible results. For instance, sometimes formulas have many IF a THEN b…
Enhancement Request for the ability to assign list items to a subset using a formula
I would like the ability to populate a subset based on a line item attribute in another import module that contains the full list.
Ability to create Version subsets allowing to have many different versions without impacting size
Hi Anaplan, As Anaplan grows users will require to create multiple versions allowing them to look at historical information without creating many archived models. The solution to this is to have many versions and be able to subset version lists, therefore saving on space and being able to view historical information…
Improved Formula Editor/Bar
If the following features could be added to the formula bar in Anaplan it would make model building and maintenance a lot easier! * Colour coded statements and keywords (e.g. IF THEN ELSE, line items, constants) * Ability to indent and enter new lines. Particularly useful for IF statements * Keyword autocompletion *…
Show calculation time directly in model
Would be very beneficial for the model builder to see the calculation time (e.g. from model open) of the individual line items with formulas. The current cell count is a great help when it comes to optimizing the model and identifying how to reduce the size hereof. However, the calculation time of the different line items…
Formula for Subsets
Add in a formula functionality to conditionally add items to a list subset, rather than having to manually check a boolean.
In blueprint view, show if a line item is used in a filter
In blueprint view, we can see if a line item is referenced by a formula, but not if it's used in a filter. When cleaning models, we can end up deleting items used in filters and breaking filters with no warning.
The ability to add a dynamic sub total to a grid
I would like the ability to add a dynamic subtotal to a grid, so when rows are filtered out the total is updated on the fly
The ability to see entire Note, Applies to, Referenced By fields inside blueprint view
It would be great ot see the entire Note section in the blueprint view without having to copy and paste it into another tool, double click into the note section, etc. Double clicking into the note section isn't ideal in Standard (Non-Deployed) models, as it can lead to the accidental editing/deletion of the note field. One…
Bulk Copy by Month
In the model, Version section, a user would have the ability to run a bulk data copy between time periods/months across and between versions. The new functionality would include: * Bulk copy - ability to select the specific month(s) to copy from one version to another. * Bulk copy - ability to select the month(s) to copy…
Extend the number of future years
For the purpose of calculating lease contracts in IFRS 16 it's sometimes needed to have wide time ranges in the model. Currently, the amount of future years is limited up to 50 years and past years up to 20 years (link). This means you have a maximum time range of 70 years. We experience that some lease contracts extend 70…
Version subsets and selection as a format
It would be great if you could select Versions as a format of a line item. This would make it much easier to pull data from a specific version into a module without versions, for example using a lookup within a line item. It would also be great if we could create subsets of versions in models where there are many versions,
Relabel the time dimension
As a model builder I want to have the ability to relabel the time dimension using a specific property/alias so that I don't need to create extra complexity and I can use all the benefits/functions of the time dimension to meet the users's requirements. I will know this is successful if I could rename FY18 to YearXX and…
Ability to Select Isolated Cells in Quick Sum Bar
When using the quick sum bar functionality (https://help.anaplan.com/anapedia/Content/Modeling/Navigate%20Anaplan/Quick%20Sum%20Bar.html?_ga=2.86794650.366156822.1550101511-1666663741.1546456255), you are currently only able to select "blocks" of cells (a series of cells in adjacent rows/columns). It would be useful to…
Automate start of Workflow with Cloudworks
Currently Workflow has to be started manually. Would like to schedule a Cloudworks task that would initiate a workflow
Customize Branch Copy Action
Branch copy is a very powerful action, widely used in what-if-scenario analysis. It can also be used to copy, for example, promotion events. The problem is, when we create a copy of a completed promotion event also the status is copied indicating that the newly copied event is also completed, which obviously is not the…
Day Period
When using Weeks as a Calendar Type in Anaplan Time, there is no easy way to aggregate from days to months. We would be able to use TIMESUM function, but you cannot used simple Dates to indicate start and end of the month as function parameters -> it needs to be Period type. Unfortunately line items with Period type can…
Need a way to identify line Items being used as Filters.
There needs to be a way to identify line items that are being used as Filter in same module or any other module, This would be totally helpful while deleting line items that are no longer required.
Summary Default to None for Numeric Line Items
Can the default Summary for numeric line items be None rather than Sum. This way it's a conscious action to turn the sum on, rather than a need to remember to turn them off. I know there's another post to have this an option that can be set by each module, which would be advanced, but I continue to hear about sums being…
Improved History Granularity in History Report
Description of the enhancement requested: When the client exports the history they want to see the details on who changed the Formula, as well as having an ability to filter out the needed modules, lines, etc. The output is there but they want to be able to filter it online as it is close to impossible to do in…
Allow semi colon as a delimiter for emails as this is the default in outlook
As a user I should not have to configure Outlook to use commas as a delimiter for sending to multiple recipients as this option is not checked by default. The MAILTO function in Anaplan only accepts commas as separators for multiple email addresses. It would be useful if it also accepted semicolons.
Ignore Timescale as a dimension if Time formatted mapping line item is used for aggregation
I ran into the issue when I needed to pull the data from the module with a timescale as a one of dimensions to another module that also contains timescale as dimension. I used time formatted line item in the source module for aggregation but it's been ignored in the Result module and error message box has been appeared.…
Multiple Summary Methods Per Line Item
Description of the enhancement required: Ability to use different summary methods by module dimension (list) An example of the enhancement: We can currently summarise differently the lists and the time dimension but it would be great to be able to choose a different summary method by list/dimension. For instance if a…