Selecting 'All Periods' does not display all Time periods
Description - Model has a timescale with 6 years and 'Total of All Periods' enabled - Open the dashboard 'Time only dashboard' - Synchronised rows is enabled for the grid 'Time only' (Time on rows) - Select 'All Periods' from the time page selector on the dashboard Expected result - The grid updates to show all time…
Blueprint View of Saved View
When a saved view is open, it would be really useful to have the option to open the blueprint and only show the line items in the view, rather than the full blueprint. In modules with a lot of line items, when the view has only a small selection of them, it is time consuming to find the respective line items
Increase the size limit of notes
A description of the enhancement required: The notes on line items is 250 characters which isn’t enough. A story for why the enhancement is required (specifically, how would it aid the business process): When you write a note on a formula, you have to explain WHAT is does, WHY you did it, HOW it’s used etc etc, 250 isn’t…
Make Versions a Production List
Enabling Versions as a production list would allow business users (not developers) to add flexibility and enable business users better management of versions. Consider the scenario where there is a variable amount of Forecasts that could happen in a year, or if a Forecast becomes current/next.
Ability to archive versions in a model
Desription of the enhancement: We would like the ability to 'archive' versions within a model, so that we can save the data and look back at it later, but it will not take up space. Note that version subsets will not fully meet this requirement, because if you remove a version from a subset in a module, you will lose data…
Open modules using 'Referenced By' column
It would be really helpful if the 'Referenced By' column opened all modules associated to the line item (similar to clicking on a functional area name to open all associated modules). This could be achieved by SHIFT+LEFT CLICK to differentiate from selecting the cell rather than following the hyperlink. This would be…
Provide model builders a "Model Cleanup View"
Our model is rather large, and over multiple development cycles and many different developers we have a large amount pieces of the model that may now be obsolete. The trouble is with a large model it is incredibly cumbersome to locate safely remove clutter without the fear of causing major issues in the model. The only way…
Allow specific list grouping within the Admin Settings Panel
At present , the Admin settings panel used by model builders to create and build new lists for their modules and driving functions do not have the specific list grouping feature. Under Lists and Roll-Ups , we only have General Lists acting as the parent for all lists within the model. To create a better understanding of…
Allow list imports to retain the order of the list items in the source file or source module.
Description of the enhancement required: Allow list imports to retain the order of the list items in the source file or source module. An example of the enhancement: When importing to a list, the list should reflect the position of new members of the list as it does in the source file (or module) instead of adding new…
User List Top Level
The users' list should have a top-level for calculations. Currently, the users' list can't be used for inputting data as there is no top-level so errors occur when referenced by a line item without the user dimension.
Selective Module reordering
I often find that I want to re-order modules within functional areas, but using the ascending/descending order, re-orders all module, not just the ones selected. It would be great if the sort, could be restricted to the highlight modules The following shows how it could look Note that the other modules are not included in…
Default Settings for new Line Items, Summaries, for Model and Modules
There are two other ideas that exist already one that are by default set sums to off and another that is to set defaults by module. Why limit to just as a whole product or module, why not give a default for builders or similar added to the Model Setting. All models are set to default none for all summaries and line item…
Function to return the number of leaf items in a standard or numbered list.
I think it would be very useful to have a function to return the number of leaf items present in a standard or numbered list. Example: QUANTITY(x) Where 'x' is the name of the list, also selectable from 'General Lists'. Reasoning: This would serve as a cleaner way to get the number of items in a list, instead of doing…
Applies To for a module - would be nice to have a search option
Description of the enhancement required: Creating Modules or adjusting the "Applies To" it would be helpful to have a search bar/button. A story for why they want the enhancement, (how would it help their business process): In case you have a lot of lists, it becomes very inconvenient to reapply the module. This change…
Add Folders for Modules and Lists
Similar to the idea posted here, but with this idea could be a possible solution? * Add folders to object contents (e.g. module, list, and actions). * Allow the creation of sub-folders. It goes without saying, but this would really improve model organisation, especially for larger models. The functionality could be similar…
Allow for users to breakback on time and not other hierarchies
I have a customer who wants to use breakback for time but not the other hierarchies in the module. They are planning for cost centers and require users to enter data at the lowest level. However, they want to enter data for annual periods and break back to the months. If we can separate the other hierarchies from time,…
Ability to display negative numbers as positives
Detail description of the enhancement that is being requested: We have numerous requests to have costs displayed as positive numbers but aggregate as negative. The current workarounds are very difficult To provide more clarification, could you please explain how you hope the enhancement would assist in your business…
Option to open Settings Menu Items as Tabs
In our model, we have 220+ dashboards and 400+ modules. When going between looking the list of modules and the list of dashboards, the lists reset my view at the top, causing me find the one I wanted to look at again, this can be very time consuming. Ideally I'd be able to open these Settings Menu items as tabs, so that…
Ability to more broadly reference Versions in Anaplan functions
Description of the enhancement: Ability to more broadly reference Versions in Anaplan functions At present, Versions are restrictive to work with functionally. There is no ability to use the Version dimension as a list format, or to reference a version such as IF versions.Q3 Forecast THEN xyz
More granular forumula scope for versions
Description of enhancement: Ability to set formula scope for selected versions rather than just the limited options of All/Actual/All except Actual/Current. Business case: This would give us the ability to control what versions applied to a given formula. Would allow us to create snapshots. Would allow us to work in two…
Mouseover Hover Text for Model Builders
I think it would be helpful to model builders if there was a hover over option to display the text of a particular element. There are instances where the description is cut off for certain display elements and there is no option to resize columns for that element (I see this most frequently in the Module Blueprint and Data…
Option to Right-Click action button ---> take me to that action in the Actions List
As a model builder, I would like to be able to get from a dashboard button directly to the action in the Actions list. It would be really helpful to have a right-click "Open in Action List" option somewhat equivalent to a module's "open source" module option but for actions. This would be a far better than the current…
Make Versions a Format (DataType)
Make Versions a list format so we can use with LOOKUP logic based on user selections. Would prevent the need for versions mapped to a pseudo-verison list with IF/THEN logic, ultimately reducing complexity and increasing ease-of-build.
Hotkeys for copy across/down
A detailed description of the enhancement that is being requested: can the copy down/across function be added as hot keys (combination of keys on computer keyboard) How you hope the enhancement would assist in your business process(es)?: Some of our end users do use these functions pretty often. The enhancement is pretty…
List cell "Contains" Typeahead
Description of enhancement: List cell input typeahead to work by "contains" typed text, not "starts with" (or make this a setting in blueprint format options). Example: The test list contained regions EMEA, APJ and NOAM. There's a list formatted line item in the module and if I type in the letter A, user wants all the 3…
Increase limitation on the number of cells drilldown can handle
Description of enhancement requested: Currently the drill down feature has a limitation on the number of cells that can be shown which is an issue when the data I am utilizing has a significant amount of data. I have one division alone that has 200 departments and when I need to drill into that division to try to find why…
Select a specific version when creating lookup formulas
Hi, It would be great if we could have formulas where we can specify a version (like it works for actuals) or if we could apply any line item to a specific version.
Ability to rename a line item without breaking the import mapping
Description of the enhancement: If a line item which is used as the source of an import is renamed, its mapping is removed and the action must be re-mapped. To re-create: * Setup an import from "LineItemA" in ModuleOne to LineItemB in ModuleTwo. The line items will need manually mapping since they have different names. *…
Ability to group actions by functional area
Description of the enhancement required: Create Directory/Grouping functionality for grouping Actions An example of the enhancement: Actions would be able to be grouped by function/area, similar to functional areas. How would it help you business process: I currently need to make a fake action to create a line in actions…
Automatic ordering of dimensions within modules/line items
Description of enhancement: When re-dimensioning a module/line item by using the applies to dialogue box, it would be very useful if the order of the "applies to" was automatically ordered from the largest to the smallest. Business case for wanting this enhancement: Consistency of the dimension orders has a big impact of…