Prevent customers accidentally creating an excessive number of line items
Description of the enhancement: Can a limit or warning be implemented to prevent a user accidentally creating so many line items via a blueprint import? Business reason for requesting this enhancement: We have had multiple instances in the past, of importing a file into blueprint mode, which we actually intended to import…
Predefined Time Filters
Description of the enhancement required: TIME FILTERS We created a VIEW with only CURRENT QUARTER data and published it to a dashboard. Now next quarter, we need the dashboard to refresh automatically for NEXT QUARTER data. To achieve this, we had to create a TIME FILTER module, add line items like CQ, PQ etc and define…
Allow order of CUMULATE function to be defined by the user
The CUMULATE function when used against a list, currently accumulates in the original list order even when the list has been reordered. Anapedia states this is how the function is meant to work, but I would like it to take into account if the list has been reordered, and cumulate in the new order. Description of the…
Ability to reference a Line Item generically.
I am requesting the ability to use a generic 'me/myself/self/here' reference in functions that require a Line Item. An example: Original: PREVIOUS(Total Average Balance) + MOVINGSUM(Total Average Balance, -11, -10, AVERAGE) New: PREVIOUS(Here) + MOVINGSUM(Here, -11, -10, AVERAGE) The benefit of this is: if the Planner…
Option to not include current period in YTD calculation but in YTG instead
Description of the enhancement required: YTD calc should NOT include the current week and YTG should include the current week. How would this engancement improve your processes: I do several YOY indexes and they are all incorrect because of this. When I compare YTD this year to YTD prior year there is always extra data in…
Ability to add brought-forward value in time totals
Description of the enhancement required: Enable the option to include Brought-Forward value in 'All Periods' time total. An example of the enhancement: When turning on Brought Forward, the user could specify when selecting 'All Periods' for this item, if the resulting value should include the Brought Forward value in that…
History Enhancement: More details around changes to lists
Description of the enhancement: We would like to see which of our users unchecked the Product Data box for a list. There is no logging to identify this and history in the model only shows this as a "Change list". The same applies for workflow, selctive access, and making a list a numbered list.
Blank dates should not be taken into account when a line item is date formatted and the summary ****
Description of the enhancement required: Blank dates should not be taken into account when a line item is date formatted and the summary method is set to "minimum". Anaplan should designate the lowest applicable date when this summary method is chosen An example of the enhancement: If there are three child nodes under a…
Better User Auditing of Who Uploaded Data
Description of the enhancement required: We wants easier tracking of who uploaded data, within the list or module itself (as additional cells is an idea). We want the name of the person who uploaded/created an item of the hierarchy to be recorded in a cell. We would like the following included: * Email ID/Name of uploader…
Show all references (full chain) from a line item in the model map
I would like to visualise a calculation reference chain from a line item as a starting point using the model map. This will help in maintainability of the model and in the ability to refactor model design or calculations.
Order of subsets in applies to should respect order in general lists
Detail description of the enhancement that is being requested: There is a current inconsistency between the order subsets are shown in the applies to dialog and the order in the general lists screen The order subsets are shown in the applies to reflects the order in which the main lists were created, not the current order…
Alias Property or Label
Description of the enhancement required: Alias Property or Label An example of the enhancement: The Item Name in a list might not always be indicative of what they might want to see in a report, but it’s how it’s stored within their metadata structures so it’s currently what’s being used. Sometimes as part of an alias they…
Ability to create ad hoc aggregations via multi-selections in filters
I want the ability to narrow down the summaries I see for a parent. I need to give end users the option to see summaries for any combinations of list elements in any dashboards and modules. At the same time, users should be able to select several list items for tables to synchronize with all of them simultaneously. If you…
Improve error message where you are unable to give a list item a child
Description of the enhancement: Improve error message where you are unable to give a list item a child, if it has a child item in a different list You are unable to give a list item a child, if it has a child item in a different list. Error: "Parent item has a child item that is in a different list: You can only add a…
Custom time period format
Description of the enhancement required: Include a way to format weekly dates by Start/date - end/date such as in excel. A story for why they want the enhancement: Currently we have a gantt chart view in Excel which shows run dates on the columns with the activity detail in the middle of the grid. It is easier for us…
Ability to use Enter key for all confirmation dialog messages
Description of the enhancement required: Add shortcut for "clicking ok" within format changes. Typically enter. An example of the enhancement: A hotkey that gives an alternative to clicking the confirmation. How would it help their business process: I would like to start using more keyboard than mouse. Currently, that is…
Enter formulae in data entry cell
I want to be able to enter formulae in data entry cell, e.g. (100+30+40)% and pressing enter shows the result
Use SUM Rules Dimensioned by Users for Source Data not Dimensioned by Users
I recently posted a question on the forums in relation to a workaround for a bug in the LOOKUP formula. I wholeheartedly feel like the LOOKUP bug (where it doesn't work for parent items that are in the same list as the leaf-level members) should be fixed. And I recognize that there are some workarounds available (as…
Ability to enable/disable multiple filters under "Filter Segment based on data in..."
Description of the enhancement required: I want the ability to narrow down the summaries I see for the parent. If you select a parent, you see all summaries for the child, but I want to be able to have the ability to select multiple parents, or multiple children, while having the ability to exclude others. For example…
Connecting two subsets in formulas
Description: I want to save server space and put all promo packs to a subset, but I have two types of promo packs, which have different calculations. Eventually I am obliged to sum them up without use of subset, which occupies a lot of excessive space. Example of enhancement: Create total promo packs subsets out of two…
Rollback caused by "Is Summary"
Description of the enhancement: When a user incorrectly selects "is summary" for any line item with non simple formulas they hit a rollback. A rollback consists of a model closing, opening, reapplying a changelog, and saving. Can we look into a solution to capture that the formula isn't a summary line item before it causes…
Editable hover-over text on cells
Description of the enhancement required: The Hover-Over Tip function: Allows the user to hover over a cell, table, module, model, dashboard or buttons which then shows a short description or identifier for the object. An example of the enhancement: User wants to see a short background description without having to drill or…
Ability to create a budget version, copied from another version, with values that don't change
I want a version that contains values from another version, but doesn't rely on lists/formulas/etc. Changes to the model should not affect this version copy. Description of the enhancement required: I want to be able to take a copy of a version which is just a copy of the numbers, so once you agree the budget it is copied…
ITEM function cannot be used on composite lists with Summary of "Formula"
To reproduce: 1. Create a parent list and a composite child list. 2. Create a module with 1 line item with formula "ITEM(Child List)" and list formatted to "Child List". Applies To should be "Child List". 3. Change Summary to "Formula", the following error is shown: The formula for 'mod1'.'item1' is invalid: 'item1' =…
Ability to select multiple items in the Manage Views screen
Description of the enhancement required: Ability to select multiple items in the Manage Views screen An example of the enhancement: Within a module, select Views > Manage Views. Be able to hold Ctrl/Cmd or Shift, and select multiple items in the list, and then Delete them. A story for why you want the enhancement (How…
Search model and Display results across Actions, Modules, Dashboards, Lists in one screen
It is common to use the exact wording between actions, modules, dashboards etc., however in order to see the results of items from these different groupings, currently I have leave a view (say the module view) to go to another view (actions) and search the results again (which also resets my search from the last view).…
Model save activation threshold should be reviewed
Description of the enhancement: Currently, if a model has six or more users it will save after 600 seconds worth of changes, and if it has less than six, it will save after 60 seconds worth of changes. There are development-stage models with more than six users that would benefit from saving every 60 seconds. Example of…
Include slicer functionality similar to excel - i.e. save filters in a button
Description of the enhancement required: Enabling slicer facility in Anaplan tool like the one in Excel https://support.office.com/en-gb/article/use-slicers-to-filter-data-249f966b-a9d5-4b0f-b31a-12651785d29d How would it help your business process: Customer would need this facility of Slicer enhancement due to multiple…
Top 10 filters on tables
Description of the enhancement: Top 10 filters on tables. We need to create top 10 tables that are able to be filtered by different criteria. Today the only alternative we found is to make a calculation for the "ranking" of the items in the table, but this is static information, so it is not dynamic when filtered. How this…
Ability to manage different summaries in a different way for different levels
If the user has Quarters, Half Year, and Year summaries, they want to be able to set the summary method for each summary. eg, for quarters set sum, for half set none, for year set sum. Currently you can only set the same summary for all levels