Impact Discovery (Reverse of Drill Down)
Concept: You have entered an adjustment in a cell, you wish to see what line items, cells, items, etc. that are dependent on the entry or are impacted by it. Simply taking the referenced by information and displaying the equations that pull the value and how they change the value (+/-, T/F, Text Change, etc.) Benefits:…
Additional Argument for TimeSum
I would like Anaplan to add a new optional parameters for Timesum. The formula would look like this, TIMESUM(x, [f] , [t], [a], [at], [ar]) wherein * [at] stands for aggregation type (simple, year on year). If omitted, default to simple * [ar] is the resulting value in absolute amount or percentage growth. If omitted,…
Please fix opening a menu from the drill-down view (i.e. to open the source module)
Hi, Currently, if you drill down through several layers of modules and try to open the menu of a module to open the source module it appears as if the menu has not opened. I have learned from experience that the menu does actually appear, but seemingly in a random position further up from the drill down tabs, and floats…
Display the Action IDs in Actions list
Description of the enhancement required: Display the Action's IDs in Actions list so that Interface (Anaplan Connect or Rest API) can work with action's IDs (not with captions (Action Names)) A story for why they want the enhancement, (how would it help their business process): At the moment, to refer an action by ID we…
Make the round function work as intended
Description of the enhancement required: The ROUND Function is not working as expected. An example of the enhancement: Make the ROUND Function work as intended. A story for why they want the enhancement, (how would it help their business process): It has been documented on Community…
Include Process Within a Process
Description of the enhancement requiredAbility to create nested processes (i.e., process within a process).An example of the enhancement:A separate process to import a saved view to separate lists that can be combined into one overall process that can be run by the end-user (one click to run multiple processes)A story for…
Dependent dropdown list with Time Period
It would be great if I could create dependent dropdown lists with Time Period type. E.g. I have 2 line items with FY and HY types. And when I've selected FY18 in the first one, the second dropdown allows to select only H1 FY8 and H2 FY18, excluding items from other years
Support aggregation over time dimension
Description of the enhancement: Currently if the Source has a time dimension then the result must also when using SUM. Users would like to be able to aggregate over time dimension. How this would help our business processes: It would remove the need to do the following workaround. If you have: Result = A.a[Sum A.b] Result…
Set conditional formatting by formula
Description of the enhancement required: Improve conditional formatting by allowing formulas. An example of the enhancement: Have it function similar to excel where formulas can be used to test for conditions. How would it help their business process: Extra line items must be used to check for a condition, if conditional…
Ability to add folder structure in model management
Description of the enhancement required: Create folders and keep the models in various folders How would it help their business process: We have about 15 modellers working on different models. Wed like to be able to organise them better. Sometimes we might forget the names of models they are creating. In windows, they can…
Sort Line Item Subsets
Description of the enhancement required: Ability to sort line items the same order in the subset as they are in the originating module Example of the enhancement: A Line Item Subset for P&L report that he is using in another module; however, the line items in the Subset are not in the same order as the Line Items from the…
Constant Disaggregation for Breakback
In as much detail as possible, describe the problem or experience related to your idea. Please provide the context of what you were trying to do and include specific examples or workarounds: CONSTANT disaggregation for breakback line items. Currently, only summable line items can utilize breakback. So, editable line items…
Collapse All Functional Areas Button in Contents Pane - NMX
In a model with lots of modules in functional areas, it would be nice to have a button in the contents pane to expand/collapse all functional areas. At the moment you have to collapse all of them individually or scroll for a long time.
Set Display Name in Line Item Subsets
I would like the ability to (optionally) set a separate Display Name for line items in Line Item Subsets. Whenever the Line Item Subset is used, this Display Name should show instead of the original names of the included line items. This would be really useful when collecting line items from multiple modules, especially…
Time Ranges Notes
I would like to have Notes available to be able to record comments against a Time Range so as to give more clarity as to what the Time Range is used for and whether it needs to be rolled forward at a Year End as in some cases there may be no need to change the start year of the time range for instance but without knowledge…
Include Formula Change Detail in Model History
Currently the model history process only captures that a line item was edited but it doesn't specify if it was a formula change, applies to, etc... and it doesn't include what the formula is/was. This came up recently in trying to research what had happened with a formula that had previously been updated and it's otherwise…
Ability to sort models in model management
A description of the enhancement requested Sort models by size and name in "model management A story for why they want the enhancement (specifically how would it help their business process) To easier sort models
Add a tab for saved module views in Model Settings -> Modules
Description of enhancement: To add List of modules' views in the Model Settings menu. It would be great if it can include: View name Model name Actions’ names then view is used as a source Dashboards where used An example of the enhancement: It may be very similar with the Modules list. A story for why they want the…
Save tabs & reopen tabs
As Model builder, I work with multiple modules and dashboards. After lunch or in the morning I need to search for all modules and dashboards I am working with and open them again. IDEA DESCRIPTION: In case I want to continue working with same modules and dashboards, I just click "save tabs" before closing my Google Chrome…
Add properties to line item subset
Description of the enhancement required: Add List Properties for Line items subset and a full menu (like ordinary Lists have). Currently there is only one “Description” property available An example of the enhancement: Adding properties section for a line item subset would allow the business to store non numeric…
Display warning message when deleting a line item which is being referred as a filter.
Hi All, In Case if we are using any line item as a filter and if we are deleting it a warning message should pop up similar to when we delete line items which are being referred in a module. It helps maintain the saved views as most of them will be created based on specific filter or condition.
Standard Solution for Iterative Calculations
There is a need for Anaplan to have standard Iterative Calculation Functionality. The model that I’m building for the client includes multiple circular references. I need to calculate the amount of the Cash Available for Investments that depends on the Ending Cash Balance (amongst other line items) for the period. Ending…
[Modeller Experience] Please, bring back the drop-down menu of open tabs
Please, bring back the drop-down selector on the top-right corner of the Anaplan view to display all open tabs at once. I personally find quite unpleasant having to go left and right constantly when I have a few tabs open. Excuse my poor sketching skills, I hope you all know what I mean.
Expand column width in Actions-Imports (and Import Data sources) or make it adjustable
The idea is very simple. The columns' width in Actions tabs are very narrow this always requires to Copy and paste to excel every time i want to check something in it. Would be great if we could adjust or simply have the default width much wider. @GeorgeDuckettMaybe your wonderful tool could have it in future release?
Remove the 'Edit' formula button within the new model building environment.
In a recent amendment to the new model building environment, there is now an 'Edit' button that needs to be selected before a model builder is able to amend an existing formula. This only appears when 'expanding' the formula bar. Whilst I could perhaps understand the reason for this addition in preventing…
Automatically Sort List Dimensions in "Applies To"
The Planual 2.01-11 states that dimension order should remain consistent among modules to ensure faster calculations so that common dimensions are in the same order as the applies to. I know I am able to click into the Applies To section for a module or line item and then click "OK", and that this will re-sort the list…
Indication in blue print if a Line Item is used as DCA
There should be a column in blue print view of a module like "Referenced By" highlighting modules where a line item is used as a DCA
Enable cards from multiple models within the new UX app
Enable cards from multiple models within the new UX app. Currently you can add multiple models to a page, but when you add cards sourced from different models you have to toggle to that model at the selector. After creating the cards, you have to toggle to this modal at the top otherwise the data is killed as per the…
New UX for modeling: Formula broken down into lines & color coded
In the new modeling UX, it would be great if the formula is broken down into lines and indented when different parts of the formulas are in use (especially for multiple IF statements). Right now, even though the colors change per formula, it's hard to find where the breaks are. Additionally, right now every IF statement…
Referenced by for filters
I would like to see details of whether a module or line item is actively in use as a filter. When a line item is referenced by a formula elsewhere the target line item is displayed in the reference by column. Can this be replicated for line items which are used in all types of filter? This will help significant when…