Option for the default file format for new exports from classic dashboards
In a May Anaplan release the platform was updated such that when users in classic dashboards created a new ad-hoc export, the default file format was now .csv, not .xls. In many respects this was an improvement and certain customers preferred the .csv setting, but some customers need the files to be in an Excel format and…
Ability to attach an export to email notification and send it to non-Anaplan users
Hi there, It would be good to have an option to send a notification to non-Anaplan users and add an export file to the email notification. So, this will give a flexibility to the end user to inform non-Anaplan user while staying in Anaplan. Thanks, Humay Kh.
Source Object Name refresh in Import Data Sources tab of Actions (Model Settings)
The Source Object Name in the Import Data Sources tab of the Actions section in Model Settings is a very helpful piece of information when tracing source module views used in Actions. Model builders normally export this information to an Excel output and filter on the source object name to check which actions are dependant…
PowerQuery Get Data Connection to Anaplan
Could we please have the ability to Get Data from Anaplan in Excel Power Query (not Power BI which already exists).
NUX Forms: Exception handling when duplicate code entered
When using forms to add to a list (where the code can be entered), users can accidently re-enter an existing code which triggers a model roll back, as it's considered a duplicate. There's also no notification the model is rolling back so it looks like the app is spinning its wheels. This leads to confusion and potentially…
User to select columns for variance analysis
New variance feature is a long awaited one. And finally we have it! But this feature is almost a hardcode and it does not allow an end user to select which of the two columns to be compared. Before placing this idea I have open a topic in UX Designers forum to collect thoughts of the community about it: MR: User to select…
Have CloudWorks support DCA
I would like to see CloudWorks support Dynamic Cell Access. Our organization has a model-to-model import process that would not run correctly in CloudWorks due to the source module having DCA.
Maxmise compatibility for exports containing dates and periods
Anaplan is using a unique date format “1 Jan 22” and “Jan 22” as opposed to “2022-01-01” and “2022-01”, which are more common in data science. When Anaplan data containing dates and periods (e.g. the daily traffic per shop) is exported to another system (in this example I use Google BigQuery with the CloudWorks Connector),…
Duplicate Process feature
Need a way to duplicate the Process instead of manually creating new process and adding actions again
Ability to include Line Items within DocuSign Workflow Names (& therefore DocuSign email Subject)
We would like to have a small number of DocuSign Workflows which can be reused to complete standardized processes which are initiated in Anaplan and completed in DocuSign. Currently Anaplan uses the DocuSign Workflow name as the Subject of the email which is sent from DocuSign. This means that each email recipient receives…
Workflow triggers Import/Export
Having CloudWorks schedule imports between models is useful, but users still need to wait. Our users are participating in a workflow, data is ready to move from the source model when a workflow step is completed. Can we trigger imports or exports, or model-to-model imports from workflow?
delimiter options for exporting files from Anaplan
I love the two way integration that Cloudworks brings but there is a need for more delimiter options when exporting from Anaplan back to Data Lake. Example changing the delimiter from "," to "|". More export file options is needed.
Ability to access multiple tenants with Power BI Connector
Currently with the Power BI Connector you can only access your default tenant but would like the ability to access multiple tenants during log in.
Store Start Date and Time (UTC) for Actions/Process Indefinitely
Reviewing past models or model history (archived) for even our current live models the Start Date and Time (UTC) for Actions/Processes is not populated for anything that's been run more than ~1 month ago. This feels like a gap in how this field should function. Proposal: The Start Date and Time (UTC) for Actions/Processes…
List exports to Excel limited to 65536 rows
There is a limit on the export of 65536 rows. Excel 2007 can handle 1048576 rows.
"Omit Summary Items" should omit summary Line Items for Tabular Exports
Description of the enhancement: An Export with radio buttons "All Line Items" and "Omit Summary Items" selected results in Summary Line Items not being omitted. The "right" behaviour should be that Summary Line Items are omitted, or that a radio button with "Omit Summary Line Items" exists. Use case: 1) Exporting data from…
Provide ability to re-arrange Export labels
Use case: A list with over 20 properties. It is extremely difficult to reorder the labels in the Export dialog. It requires removing them all and then adding them 1 by 1.
Ability to format the layout of dashboard when exported to PDF
Description of the enhancement required & example of the enhancement: Ability to format the layout of dashboard when exported to PDF: - add page break between modules in dashboard - make the module page selection font size bigger
Allow export to XLSX
I want Anaplan to allow me to export to the XLSX file-type rather than just XLS or CSV. XLS can't stand up to the amount of data I want to export. CSV is not sufficient for what I need it for
Import mapping source of a line item/list to 'fixed item' or 'ask every time' remove 'Which target'
Description of the enhancement: Import Mapping: Mapping the source of a line item or list to 'fixed item' or 'ask every time' removes the 'Which target items to clear prior to import'. Can this remain there? As a user, I would like the 'Which target items to clear prior to import' option to remain on the line item/list…