Ability to retrieve model data through the API
Description: We would like to retrieve model data through API calls, similar to the way the Excel Add-In can retrieve cell data. We want to provide a module or view ID and get the data returned for that module/view through the API.
Ability to export and import model time settings
Description of the enhancement required: We would like a way to take the 'time' settings from one model and add them to another e.g. allow an export of the time settings and import them to another. Example of enhancement: Have a model with time settings and allow to push or pull that data to or from another model.…
API: GET the data in a chunk in JSON format
Description: Enhancement request for Export API: Download file (sample URL below) to output data in JSON format Example of enhancement: GET https://api.anaplan.com/major/minor/workspaces/workspaceID/models/modelID/files/fileID/chunks/chunkID Benefit/impact: Anaplan Connect does not have the Export (direct) into Oracle…
Exporting the Hierarchy in Grid View
Is there a way in ANAPLAN that we can export the hierarchy in the format below(yellow highlighted)? The screenshot here came from a list in grid view
Condition-Based Trigger for Email Reporting
The current MAILTO function requires clicking the cell in order for an email to be generated. It would be very helpful if this click action occurs automatically only if a certain logical condition is met. For example, if the sum of all sales from last week reaches a certain threshold or is below a certain threshold, the…
Anaplan Addin for Microsoft Word
Users generally need to add commentary around the data retrieved from Anaplan modules. Anaplan Word Addin can fill this gap by providing the capability to extract information from Anaplan. Furthermore, it'll be really useful to extract just one data intersection using some formula like CHOOSE or GETVAL, given the user can…
File Import Issue due to Control Panel Local Language Setting
Some users in Europe are facing issues importing offline excel file into Anaplan. Currently we have a workaround for this issue. If user changes his Format setting in Region and Language to “English”, then the upload is successful to Anaplan. Users have to change their local language setting every time they need to upload…
Ability to import from subsidiary view
I want to be able to import from a subsidiary view. Business Reason: I don't want to have to create multiple modules for single line items with different dimensionality. If the column in a subsidiary view had an underlying name then using it as the source of an import would be possible.
Ability to specify an escape character for an import
Some import sources can contain escape characters for special characters depending on how they were generated (i.e. generated by a specific software). These escape characters are not recognised by Anaplan and end up being imported as is. I would like the ability to specify a specific character as an escape character when…
When coping a model, update self referenced import sources to '-'
When creating a copy of a model for development or other purposes, import actions that are created using modules/list for the source model (self referencing) the import source is not updated to reference the new model, but the original model that was copied from. I am expecting the model reference to be '-' indicating that…
Ability to Export Actions List
The ability to export the actions in the actions list, specifically for imports would be highly beneficial. For one, it would be a great matrix for the client to retain for documentation. The other benefit of an export is that you would be able to change column width to actually read the source and targets. Right now, you…
Excel Add-in: Allow for the ability to connect spreadsheet interface to more than one connection
If a model is archived, then retrieved , its model ID changes. The model ID change disables the spreadsheet's data connection. Suggestion: Allow a spreadsheet connection which was created under Model ID "Example_1" to be redirected to Model ID "Example_2". Otherwise users are at risk to lose work created under Model ID…
Default Import Setting
It would be great if the 'Default File' setting when you import a csv into a module could be automatically set to 'Admins Only' or 'Everyone' instead of 'No (keep private)'. Our company uses an ETL tool to load data into models and if that setting is not changed then it causes errors and we end up with data that is not…
Dynamic Subtotal in the Excel Addin
Hi gang, Very interested to have a dynamic subtotal in the Excel Addin please. So lets say I select several items in a product hierarchy or just two out of my 3 channels. Here I would like the API to refresh the subtotal of these items instead of pulling in the explicit rows/columns selected. There would need to be a…
Access to source views on saved exports
When an export is created and saved, from a saved view, it does not indicate the source of that export (only the source module). It will be very useful, when an export is created from a saved view, to have it recorded in Anaplan, in the same way as the Imports are recorded their source view.
Ability to copy export label settings from one export to another
The ability to copy label settings from one export action to another would be very helpful. If there are several similar export actions with different filters that need the same list properties, this would be useful, as the person creating the action would no longer have to select each property one by one.
Enhancements to API
Would like to see additional enhancements to the API, things like retrieving line item blueprints, list/module editing, list properties, etc. This would enable customers to control their Anaplan environments with various automations.
Recognise zeroes and blanks as different data inputs when using number formatting
Can we add a number formatting option (text fomatting causes issues for our users) with a default for the cell of blank (if blank then the cell is ignored) and then if a zero is input it is treated as a number. For example - the default calculation for sales volume generates 50 for January 2018, there is an "override" line…
Allow SSO Users to run cross Workspaces Imports with Anaplan Connect
Hello, It would be useful to allow accounts with Single Sign On activated to run Cross Workspaces Imports via Anaplan Connect. At the moment, only Exception Users (no SSO) can run these Imports, which is not in line with recommendations from our Internal Audit team. Thank you
Able to use the row id number as unique identifier when import a file
It would be really useful if the row id number ("Line #") would be available as additional column when import a csv file or from any other external source. When import files in Anaplan, usually the first step is to import the file into a numbered list where the file columns are transformed in numbered list properties. To…