Export Action Notes
Export Action Notes 1. Purpose of the Export Action What it does: Describe why this export action exists. For example: "This export action allows users to extract specific data from the Anaplan model into an external file for further analysis or reporting purposes." Who uses it: Identify the intended audience. Example:…
Use Generative AI to summarise commentary from bottom of hierarchy upwards to top of hierarchy
In as much detail as possible, describe the problem or experience related to your idea. Please provide the context of what you were trying to do and include specific examples or workarounds: Different roles enter and consume "contextual" data (commentary) at different levels of a product / customer hierarchy. It is the…
The Role of AI Consulting Agencies in Transforming Modern Businesses
How are AI consulting agencies reshaping industries by offering tailored solutions for automation and decision-making? Let’s discuss the impact of AI on business operations, cost efficiency, and innovation. Have you partnered with an AI consulting agency, or are you considering one? Share your experiences or questions…
Current User Lookup as List Format
Every module has the ability to turn off all users and show only the current user, but it order do show the current user, the users list is required in the applies to. The is currently a formulas to task current versions, time periods, etc but there is no formula for current user without applying the list to the module's…
Text format validation
I would like validation functionality for text formats in Anaplan. When entering names of products or items in Anaplan and importing them into external systems, import errors occur if the input contains strings that the external system cannot import. Having text input validation functionality in Anaplan would facilitate…
Use of Generative AI for planning functions
Hello There, I wanted to bring to your attention the potential enhancement of incorporating Generative AI into the planning function within the Anaplan platform. The integration of Generative AI capabilities has proven to be valuable in various business sectors, and it's an aspect that warrants consideration within the…
Cancel a code change to avoid waiting
When we do a code change and the code has an error, we can wait for several minutes on some models when we understood that the code contains an error. It would be good to have the ability to cancel it using [Esc] button or something to avoid waiting.
IP Restrictions Per User
Currently, Anaplan IP restrictions apply to the entire tenant. We would like to apply IP restrictions to a single user account that we use for API access and automations.
Users want to freely change the number of displayed digits
Users want to freely change the number of digits in tables and input numbers. Rather than preparing columns and tables with different numbers of digits, each user would like to be select the number of digits as they like.
List Filter
Admins and users should have a list filter option to avoid creating separate filters.There should be a list filter that allows admins and users to filter list items without creating a separate filter.
Unable to see PlanIQ accuracy % for any algorithm run
As we are able to see the Metrics for Error, we also need the Accuracy % as well to know how best it forecast for future
PlanIQ Backtest data automation and Backtest data should come for all Actual periods
PlanIQ Backtest data automation and Backtest data should come for all Actual periods as we import data let's suppose of 60 months for forecasting of 3 months then Backtest result come out for only past 3 months not for 60 months
PlanIQ Data Collection Scheduler
Need PlanIQ Data Collection Scheduler as if the months of actual data increases we need to rerun the Data Set once again by going to PlanIQ section
Increase the Cell count limit on line item blocks for Anaplan
As a model builder, I would like to see Anaplan increase the upper limit of cell count on a single line item block (currently it is set as 2,147,483,647 = 2^31-1 cells), so that I don't have to model certain filtering modules/logics outside Anaplan. I know this is successful when the limit is increased to 4,294,967,295 =…
PlanIQ backtest update
Following the discussion in https://community.anaplan.com/discussion/comment/154792 seems that there's a need to update backtest results as new actuals are flowing in.
Plan IQ Forecast Action Error Message
It would be great if the PlanIQ forecast action set-up area clearly showed if an action had been run successfully, but with errors (yellow with exclamation mark?). When testing out PlanIQ recently I ran a newly created forecast action successfully, but when I checked the model I found no results. I had to navigate to the…