How to pickup value from a cell and populate next column
Kindly refer attached screenshot. Am trying to figure how does one populate the boxed column with the value in the cell (1,414). I am already able to do something by looking up a SYS table I constructed but the problem is I can't seem to figure out the right formula to use which should be to pick up the value 1,414 which…
Make data cells within a module editable
How do I make the below data cells within a module editable?
Line Items not visible
Hi - What have I missed in the build of this module? I can't see the line items outside of blue print:
Transactions by period - remapped to transaction list with no time period.
HI I have a line item which contains all the cashflows I require for the IRR calculation, but I need to have the cashflows against the last day of each period to get the correct IRR result. In order to do this I have created a transactions list "Trans 01, Trans 02, etc" and then for each of the projects created a line item…
Increase list character limit
Hi. How do I increase character limit?
Help required on MIN function
Hi need some help on the MIN function as I can't seem to get it to work even after going through the Technical Documentation. Attached at the relevant screenshots: SYS08 has the MIN formula I'm trying to get to work. The idea is to look up the MIN value in the # Accounts for Redistribution column in the TAR02 module by…
Level 2 Sprint 3
Hi all, I'm checking my work for the INV01 module and my numbers are slightly different than the ones provided to do the check. Here are my numbers below: Here are the numbers provided to check your work: As you can see, beginning at Week 2 FY20, my Forecast Demand is 2,048 and not 2,050. I'm assuming this has nothing to…
Using LASTNONBLANK on a numbered list
I took over a Headcount model that was built by a consultant and it uses LASTNONBLANK on a numbered list. I'd like to confirm my understanding of the function when used on a numbered list. Here's some background on my particular model * Workday sends Anaplan an Employee file each night* This nightly feed from Workday…
Importing into Numbered List
Hi Team, I am facing 2 problems while importing into the numbered list from my Data hub model: 1) it's showing an Invalid Parent error. I have used Parent code while importing, Please suggest how to resolve this? 2) Even though import happens with error, the import list is adding below to the list where import should…
Filters rows in a sequence
Hi, I need the rows in sequence even after applying the filter in the module. I have a transactions list which is a flat list and two line items Email address and ISnotblank?. I need only the non blank rows in a sequence. Generally when I apply filter the rows will be jumbled but I need the rows to be in sequence. Before…
How to Concatenate Strings with nested IF statements
Hi, I have four line items(Text1, Number1, Text2, Number2) I am trying to concatenate if those values are not blank or not equals to zero. See below formula. But I am getting formula invalid error. Please suggest how can i do concatenation of multiple string with nested IF statements. Note: Please suggest me any Idea with…
Anaplan Data Hub - Numbered vs regular list
I am in the process of creating a Data Hub, where we will be getting multiple files to create lists in the DH. I need to consider creating the flat lists as either numbered or regular list. For the lists which have member names longer than sixty, I would create a numbered list where I would make use of the Display Name…
Data Hub - Numbered List vs Regular List
I am in the process of creating a Data Hub, where we will be getting multiple files to create lists in the DH. I need to consider creating the flat lists as either numbered or regular list. For the lists which have member names longer than sixty, I would create a numbered list where I would make use of the Display Name…
Error in 7.2.3 lesson invalid date
I gor struck while importing .csv file into SYS08 emplyee details module i am getting invalid format error .please help me out on this
Previous Period Lookup
Hi I have a module where I look up the last period with data entered - line item Previous Non-Blank. My formula is as follows - why in Q4 FY20 and Q1 FY21 is the previous non-blank not picking up Q3 FY20 and Q4 FY20? Formula: IF Last Quarter Entered = Last Quarter Entered[SELECT: TIME.All Periods] AND ITEM(Time) >= Last…
Combining Boolean value for some condition.
I Have Boolean line item for a module which consists of country and employee List as dimension. for another module having country as dimension and one boolean line item how can i check boolean line item as true if any one of the employee data for that particular country is true in source module(consists of employee and…
How to keep Filters active even after changing dimensions
Hi All, Hope everyone is doing safe during this pandemic. I'm trying to apply filters on time dimension on a standalone basis, but unable to do unless I bring in other dimension to columns. When I change the view I lose the time filter based on a line item in the same module - 'Current Year?'. Any reasons why Filters…
List order in column
Hi, Is it possible to display the summary first and then the list members for the list in column view? Thanks, Nisha. S
How to display names instead of numbered list
Hi kindly refer the following 3 screenshots: 1. A2 Account>Product# List 2. DAT02 PY Revenue to CY 3. Check Build Check Build is what I'm trying to get to but before doing so I need to figure the right dimension to use. I believe its the one showing in A2 Account>Product# List which is a combined list. But when I include…
Movement of Existing Modules to a new Model
Hi. Good Afternoon. We currently have a rather large Model that serves various areas of the business. Currently all payroll related items are visible and we would like to lift and shift these modules/lists to a new model and only pull through top end figures. This will remove the risk of people seeing sensitive data at…
Current Period vs Manually Input Period
I'm seeing some unexpected behavior in a Lookup formula that is referencing a period formatted line item. When I manually select a value for Current Year, my lookup formula performs as I expect it to. However, if I enter TIME.'Current Period' in Current Year, it shows the expected year in the line item, but my formula…
unable to find the format in drop down menu
Hi, for level 1, In 6.8.3 for module creation named SYS03 Country Details Module,I am unable to add the format List: G1 Region for the line item Region. Am I missing something? Please help.
Workspace ID and Model ID
Where can I find Workspace ID and Model ID?
Property Definition in Line items
Hi, I want to be clear about the definitions of different properties of Lists. These properties are - Referenced in Applies To, Referenced as Format, Referenced in Formula, Next item index? Could you kindly explain? Thanks in advance. Regards, Sandip
New blueprint view (order of columns)
Hello All, Am I the only one surprised by the new blueprint view (the order of columns has changed) and not being able to find any info on Anaplan community?
Upcoming release User list calculations
Does anyone have any additional information on the upcoming release on 4/24 that will allow for calculations to be driven by the User list? This sounds very intriguing, so any intell would be greatly appreciated! https://community.anaplan.com/t5/Maintenance-Notifications/Upcoming-Maintenance-April-24-2021/ba-p/105343
Users list and Lookup
Hi Everyone, I have two modules A and B. The module A has one line item formated as a list "Users". Let's call it myUser. The module B's dimensionnality is Users (only). It has one boolean lineitem called myBool. I would like to retreive the value from B.myBool to A. I wanted to use the formula in module A.myBool =…
Dimension Mapping
Hi all, I have some data with various dimensions - one of which includes 'Colours'. I've also got a matrix between Colours and Cities separately (e.g. in the attached) which allocates Colours to Cities on a percentage basis. What I need to do is convert my data using the mapping to go from Colours to Cities. I'd normally…
Weighted Average in Summary of a line item
Hi - I have two line items, one specifying the weight and the other, say growth. For easy calculations, let's presume that the Weights and the Growth values are manual input. Growth is a manual input only at lower level - say a different line item is created for manual input. Now, when someone views the Growth at the upper…
Calculation for a value to show every 10th of the month
Hi, We need help trying to write a formula for a value to show on only every 10th of a given month. Also need to consider that the weekends do not count and would fall into the next business day. For example 4/10/2021 is Saturday so would pick up 4/12/2021 instead.