Dependent Context Selectors Workaround?
I need to enable dependent context selectors. For example, different Stores sell different combinations of Product Categories: Store A sells Widgets and Store B sells Widgets and Oodles. Using context selectors, I want the Widget manager to switch between stores, but only see Widgets in the Product Category selector. I…
User security use Department ID instead of Anaplan assigned number.
While reviewing security; the exported view only shows the Anaplan assigned number instead of the department ID that user's can access. With the delivered functionality, we have to manually review each user's access individually in the system to open the window that defines the assigned number with the Department ID. This…
Enhancing Visibility for 'Write/Read/None' with Conditional Coloring
Hello, Regarding the User Experience of the 'users' Menu, Role—> Module Tabs. To facilitate the accurate identification of properly configured settings for WS administrators, I propose implementing a conditional color scheme to improve the visibility of the 'Write/Read/None' options. In certain instances, modules might be…
New Workspace - Models listing view needs to be expanded
For Tenant Admins, in the new configuration view under: Admin > Workspace > Models, you can no longer see the name of the Models, they are cut-off and you cannot expand the pane in any way. This "new" UI for Tenant Admins is pretty much useless, especially if you use nomenclature or naming conventions for model names.…
Manage / enable sso authentication at workspace level
As a tenant administrator or user admin i need to be able to manage users authentication mode (sso or exception users) at workspace level instead of model level. Currently this is managed at the model level with 2 consequences : - inconsistency and session crash : if a user is sso enabled on one workspace and sso disabled…
Cloudworks process restricted role
Hello, I think we should add to the restriction integration user, the following limitations: limitation on a model or on a cloudworks process limitation to just launch couldworks process Thanks to that, we could allow our user to go in cloudworks and to launch their interface while we are waiting for a cloudowks button in…
Cloudworks integration user role
As a tenant admin, i would like to allow users to run cloudworks integrations and processes that have been prepared by integration admins. This is required as currently only the integration admin can access and run cloudworks processes and if granted to non admin users, they could destroy existing production setups. I will…
Administration Platform - export users data: connexion à Anaplan
Ajouter un " export" pour exporter dans Excel les données users: nom prénom actif/non actif et last login. Ajouter dans les users visiting un "export" des des données après avoir rajouté l'information last login
Ability to show history on General list properties
Dear Anaplan Support, As a workspace administrator, for auditing purposes, it would be great to be able to use the "Show History" function on General List properties (code, properties or subsets). I'll know this is successful when I can click right-click on a list properties and have the option "Show History" (the same we…
Enhanced History for Change Log Functionality
I have had several people ask about building a 'change log' feature using the information from History. My request is: 1. Add changes in the structure of Anaplan to history, such as changes to formula in line items; 2. Add a feature that may involve running an action to update a module directly from history. This feature…
Administration of all Apps with associated model(s) in the administration view
If a model is archived or deleted, the App is not visible, but another App with the same name can not be created. If the model has been deleted, the App can never be deleted, changed to a new data source, or be found. Just as there is a menu item to see all models in a Tenant, there should be a way to see all Apps in a…
OAuth authentication for system-to-system integrations
As an integration architect, I would like to design integrations between boundary systems and Anaplan to use OAuth authentication with a system account. I'll know this is successful when I am able to configure a system-to-system integration to use OAuth, that does not require a user to explicitly approve access in the…
Expanded and Simplified Audit Report For Page and Other Model Artifacts
I would like to be able to export a report that shows how often users interact with pages, modules, actions, lists and other key artifacts. Some of this data can already be accessed using the model history or tenant audit however it is quite limited and often requires data manipulation after extraction. This type of…
Changing/Editing the automated email provisioning
While provisioning new users the email must allow in the body to add additional details such as point of contact, other portal details, or links where details are mentioned. Instead of the standard email where the administrator's email is sent to be the point of contact.
Add Codes to Modules
Idea Add unique system generated codes to modules/lists/actions/dashboards that cannot be changed. Purpose Allow for easier documentation of modules/lists/actions/dashboards by referring to system code. As codes do not change, references will stay valid even if names change. I imagine that unique codes already exist for…
Add line item count for list subsets
It would be really helpful to see the count of list members that are included in a line item subset. The only way I can do this is to make a "Master" list with just the subset and a line item called "Count" and see what the total is, but this takes up unnecessary space. But it would be nice to simply go to the list, click…
New UX: Notification Action Security
Hi, The notification action in the UX pages seems to be improving with the introduction of sending it to users based on module data. It would be useful if we could limit the security on these notification actions so that random users do not run the action accidentally. For now, an alternative is to create the same…
Ability to Disable "Show History" for users (possibly by Role)
"Show History" can block the model for others. Being able to turn off this feature by user can keep from locking up the system.
refactor the action info tab/API to allow for flows monitoring
For large usage of Anaplan (multiple data hubs and models), it is important to monitor the flows between models. Anaplan is the ideal tool for that but currently many of the necessary info is not readily available. The first and foremost thing to do is to set the API so that the imports endpoind of a model actually gives…
Delegation of User Admin Role per Geographical Location or Group of Workspaces
Use the Centralized Identity Management -> User Admin Role to delegate administration tasks per region or group of workspaces. For example, Asia User Admins, Europe User Admins, and America User Admins in such a way that each group of regional User Admins can see and administer their own set of workspaces according to…
ADD User Profile a SSO ID textbox field
The user profile has very few fields and should have more, especially dealing with SSO. Anaplan has an email field box but doesn't have a field known as SSO ID, which can align with Azure SSO field values. A user's email might not be the same identity as what their IdP (identity provider) has assigned. Anaplan can use this…
Workspaces management self service
As a tenant admin, i would like to be able to manage workspaces from within the administration console : - create new ws - allocate memory to ws - assign ws admin rights to users - allow these operation to be done through an api admin This is required because : we currently need to perform such tasks on a regular basis and…
Pull the mapping for Imports and source for each model in a tenant
Currently, the only way to extract the information for Import and source mapping is from individual model through the Anaplan interface. These mappings are very useful to track how the data flows across different models and files. To be able to identify how the data flows using this metadata is going to help eliminate a…
Secure actions using saved views
As a model builder i would need an added security layer regarding the interaction between actions mapping definitions using saved views that would prevent saved views being changed or deleted once it is defined in an action. This added security would then allow a user to either : - create another saved view if needed for…
Event based changes in models
As an integration admin, i need to be able to share in an event based logic any time my model is changing calculations. This could look similarly to the "history" log, with the exception that it would allow to be read through the api and show any before / after calculation made (and not just the input values changed by…
Anaplan Application Timeout
Hi Team, It would nice to have the application timeout more than 30 minutes. Looks like for SSO enabled users, it is currently set to 30 minutes.
Search Bar and Check list for Assigning to a user certain items in a Selective Access list
It would be SUPER helpful if a Search Bar was and a check list was added, when giving a user selective access in the user section, that you could search for the list item that you want to give the user instead of having to scroll through a long list to find the item. I know this can be avoided by doing an import, but if…
Search / Filter Visitors on Admin Screen
Need the ability to search for / filter / sort against the list of visitors in a given Tenant while acting as a Tenant Admin. This feature is available for users within a tenant but not visitors and makes the management of visitors very difficult.
Last login update to user
Our security team would like the user to be informed of the time and date of their last successful or unsuccessful login attempt after each successful login.
Automation of Back up for Sustainment Models
For all those who have been working on Sustainment models and not much of development tasks but enhancing pre existing solutions in a workspace, it must be a very common daily task to take back ups of a given list of models. The copying and archiving can be a tedious process on a daily basis if the list of models being…