Tenant Admin should be able to Delete/Archive the Model from Tenant Admin Console
There are cases when model builder creates a model without giving access to any other admin in the WS. After creating the model they either forget to archive the model or delete the model hence consuming the space in the WS. Idea I am proposing is to give an ability to tenant admin to delete or archive such models from…
Pre-production Content permissioning - by user
When launching a new dashboard, it is frequent to test and ask for feedback to a smaller group of users first. Currently I have a isolated area of contents named "WIP" for these kind of contents. (image) So, it would be useful to have a user-based permissioning for work in progress contents, so I can restrict to the person…
Automatically export Permissioning
Is there an action for exports? I would like to export permissions (user, role>module, role>versions, etc) in a more automatic way so I can assure a less time consuming and recurrent backup.
Restriction of multiple simultaneous sessions
As users will not operate multiple simultaneous sessions (e.g. via mobile and laptop) our security team has requested that multiple simultaneous sessions are prevented.
Hide Property for Buttons
Can we add show or hide property for Actions buttons? For example there is a action to finalize some inputs and users run it for any versions, so we hide the finalize button for locking.
Bulk copy available for non workspace admins or possibility to add it to a process
My bad, idea already exist...multiple times (not sure how to delete the post) https://community.anaplan.com/t5/Idea-Exchange/Add-Bulk-Copy-to-action-list-to-be-added-in-process-chain/idi-p/40525 https://community.anaplan.com/t5/Idea-Exchange/Make-Bulk-Copy-between-Versions-an-Action/idi-p/40102…
Availability of Model Name on Audit Logs (Administration DB)
It would be very helpful if the model names are exposed in addition to the object IDs in the audit logs on Anaplan's administration DBs. This eliminates the need to either retrieve the object IDs and corresponding model names by using the Anaplan API or manually checking the object ID from the individual models.
Change Background Feature on Home Page
Current State Scenario: Any workspace administrator can change the background of Anaplan Home Page. This can be really annoying as there is no way to track who has made that change and also this change is visible to the entire organization. Idea: Make this feature available only to Tenant Admins at Tenant admin page and…
Allow Actions to Write even though there is no write access to the module
Usually Snapshots are created by running a process (Create & Import). For this, we have to provide write access to the module and list. This is dangerous as the user can accidentaly / intentionally can change the snapshot data itself. So we should have ability to write via action and not write directly into the module.…
Export Actions in a Process
It would be useful to be able to export the Actions contained in a Process. Currently the only way to extract them is to highlight them all copy and paste into Excel. Add a column numbering 1 to x and then sort on the action name to get rid of the "Remove" labels and then re-sort back on the key to get the Actions in the…
New UX : Make an App non editable / not deletable if non editable
Although essentially part of @usman.zia idea on https://community.anaplan.com/t5/Idea-Exchange/The-New-UX-should-have-ALM-capabilities-for-managing-changes/idi-p/50814 this is something very specific and just being able to lock-down an app so that if it's sitting on a TEST/PROD model then it can't be amended, maybe…
Create Technical Names for an Application
When you create an application it is often the case that you create a User Friendly name which is fine however when you then create any imports using this as a source the description will include this name and I always find myself having to edit the name by abbreviating the name of the application so for instance Data Hub…
Ability to manage Roles > Modules in the same way as Contents
In Contents you can set 'Show New Content' for every Role/Functional Area combination. It'd be good if 'Roles>Modules' tab could be managed in the same way i.e. you could set None/Read/Write per Role/Functional Area whilst still being able to set access by individual module
Ability to disable selective access for a specific module
We have selective access activated on several lists (mainly organization) and for 90% of our needs it works well. However, in some modules we would like the users to be able to see the data of the entire lists (even if they don't have read access on parts of this list). Currently, the alternatives as we see them are: * to…
Promote Revision Tag to Multiple Spoke Models at One Time
With the way our Anaplan environment is structured, it would be a huge time saver to promote revision tags to multiple spoke models at one time instead of having to update them individually. Anyone else share the same need?
Dynamically Updated Whaterfall Chart for general lists
The issue is related to the ALM functionality. Currently, if you set-up a Waterfall chart, based on production list, it can be transferred into production model incorrectly. That is because waterfall chart shows list items based on their "internal" code (from Anaplan words), meaning that if in prod some items will be with…
Alphabetize a selection of Actions in the Actions List (Modules, dashboards too!)
I'd like to be able to select a bunch of actions in a list, and alphabetize just those actions. Currently you can alphabetize the list of actions but it only does the entire list. Our model has many actions (just shy of 2 thousand)...some of these are specifically grouped together by function, or by dashboard they're on…
Move User's Model Access into a separate boolean
It would be very helpful to have user role and user access to a model to be separately managed values. In some instances, we use ALM to move a big group of changes into our production model so we will remove access for non-admin users and reinstate them later. Instead of changing each of our 700 users roles to "No Access"…
Filtering by Workspace in Tenant Admin Assignments.
In Tenant Admin Assignments, search feature only provides filtering by First Name, Last Name, Role and Email. In actual operation, it may be convenient to add Workspace to the Filter condition as it may be managed separately for each Workspace to which Users belongs.
Disable Ctrl+Home hotkey
Ctrl+Home hotkey may be used when editing a formula (to go to the formula beginning) or when entering a text comment. Unfortunately from time to time in Anaplan this hotkey leads to Model Map that is loaded for some time. There's alrady an idea posted to disable the Model Map completely. But aside from that even if I use…
Copy-paste line item setting in blueprint
Previously you could easily copy-paste similar line items when working in Blueprint mode. Unfortunately at some moment this feature stopped working. Currently when trying to do so you receive the following pop-up at first: After that you see the following error:
Oldest history log available
The history log for a model is limited (about half a year or so). The problem is that you can never say what is the exact reason that you don't get logs: either there were no actions for the requested conditions or they took place so long ago that the logs have already been deleted. Please add the date of the oldest log…
Select default values for all dashboard elements at once
Now we choose default list value for each dashboard element/table. It will be better to set default values for all dashboard elements in a one place. Also would be great to make this parameter editable via a line item, not necessarily via dashboard admin settings.
Add “Open” button in line items subset menu
There is an "Open" button in any settings menu: "Modules", "Dashboards". Please see screenshot for the "General Lists" menu: But there is no such button for the "Line Items Subsets" menu:
User type that has read only access to the settings tab
Could allow a user to be able to check if individuals have access, the calculations within a model etc. This would be particularly useful with our internal models, where I find I am constantly asking the Workspace Admin to look at stuff, when I could easily do it myself with this access. It does give confidence that this…
Dynamic Dashboard Elements
It would be helpful to make dashboard elements dynamically available based on a boolean value. For example, to hide buttons for imports/exports/etc. from a dashboard unless a specified user has approved the data.
Provide warning when removing a list/dimension member if there is data associated
Prior to removing a list/dimension member, would like a warning message if there is still any data associated with that list/dimension member in my model.
security upload simplification
Security also now needs to be loaded vertically, however it would be nice if we could load it horizontal as well. The first view is easier to create then the second in Anaplan, but only the second works when importing the security. View: 1 somebody@company.com ELEMENT A, ELEMENT B, ELEMENT C View: 2 somebody@company.com…
Log activity for user belonging to different tenant in Anaplan Audit Service
Currently Anaplan Audit Service only logs activities from users in the same tenant to Audit Service. If user of different tenant (say Tenant B) has access to model of tenant A, any interaction of the user in tenant B will not be logged in tenant A. Audit service is not capturing all activities/interactions and can be…
"Select All" for selective access
When you have several items at the top hierarchy to select in User Selective Access it can take some time (esp if there are 20+ items). It would be nice to have some way to "select all" to save time. (Then if you don't need all items you can remove them quite easily).