Dynamic Dashboard Elements
It would be helpful to make dashboard elements dynamically available based on a boolean value. For example, to hide buttons for imports/exports/etc. from a dashboard unless a specified user has approved the data.
User type that has read only access to the settings tab
Could allow a user to be able to check if individuals have access, the calculations within a model etc. This would be particularly useful with our internal models, where I find I am constantly asking the Workspace Admin to look at stuff, when I could easily do it myself with this access. It does give confidence that this…
Notification of Customer List Indices close to reaching out their limit By Model and List Name
After the implementation of the new enhancement request that enables the option to reset List Indices for lists reaching out index numbers close to their limit on the Anaplan Platform, customers would like to have a feature on the Anaplan platform that enables Notification of Customer List Indices By Model Name and List…
Notification for revision tag without description
It's bad practise to add revision tags without any description, yet it's quite easy now to add a revision tag unintentionally with empty description field. Please add a notification that would request the confirmation from user to create a revision tag with empty description.
Direct launch of models via SSO link
"As an end-user I want to directly launch a model, dashboard or task (new workflow) via a SSO secured URL so that I can do efficiently my work and don't waste time by navigating through the launchpad / model structure." This is makes collaboration across our organisation much more intuitive, because URL links could be…
Add “Open” button in line items subset menu
There is an "Open" button in any settings menu: "Modules", "Dashboards". Please see screenshot for the "General Lists" menu: But there is no such button for the "Line Items Subsets" menu:
Select default values for all dashboard elements at once
Now we choose default list value for each dashboard element/table. It will be better to set default values for all dashboard elements in a one place. Also would be great to make this parameter editable via a line item, not necessarily via dashboard admin settings.
Oldest history log available
The history log for a model is limited (about half a year or so). The problem is that you can never say what is the exact reason that you don't get logs: either there were no actions for the requested conditions or they took place so long ago that the logs have already been deleted. Please add the date of the oldest log…
Copy-paste line item setting in blueprint
Previously you could easily copy-paste similar line items when working in Blueprint mode. Unfortunately at some moment this feature stopped working. Currently when trying to do so you receive the following pop-up at first: After that you see the following error:
Disable Ctrl+Home hotkey
Ctrl+Home hotkey may be used when editing a formula (to go to the formula beginning) or when entering a text comment. Unfortunately from time to time in Anaplan this hotkey leads to Model Map that is loaded for some time. There's alrady an idea posted to disable the Model Map completely. But aside from that even if I use…
Notification for upgrade/downgrade for workspace admin rights
Workspace admin privileges are an essential right not only for model builders but super users across various platforms that continuously make tweaks across the model on the feedback of the larger user community. For a large scale workspace management, several key users have workspace admin rights along with independent…
Improve Tenant Admin Access Error Message
When attempting to login to Tenant Administration: if you do not have Tenant Admin access, there is a generic 404 error message that states "Sorry this page is not available - 404" It would be helpful to instead state: "You do not have Tenant Administrator privileges, please contact your Tenant Admin or…
Filtering by Workspace in Tenant Admin Assignments.
In Tenant Admin Assignments, search feature only provides filtering by First Name, Last Name, Role and Email. In actual operation, it may be convenient to add Workspace to the Filter condition as it may be managed separately for each Workspace to which Users belongs.
Move User's Model Access into a separate boolean
It would be very helpful to have user role and user access to a model to be separately managed values. In some instances, we use ALM to move a big group of changes into our production model so we will remove access for non-admin users and reinstate them later. Instead of changing each of our 700 users roles to "No Access"…
Alphabetize a selection of Actions in the Actions List (Modules, dashboards too!)
I'd like to be able to select a bunch of actions in a list, and alphabetize just those actions. Currently you can alphabetize the list of actions but it only does the entire list. Our model has many actions (just shy of 2 thousand)...some of these are specifically grouped together by function, or by dashboard they're on…
Single Sign on security enhancement
We got a requirement recently to limit access to single sign-on setting. At the moment all administrators are able to deactivate this for themselves at any given moment and effectively skip all security controls. We believe that not all admins should be able to do this. In companies which have more builders (for example…
Dynamically Updated Whaterfall Chart for general lists
The issue is related to the ALM functionality. Currently, if you set-up a Waterfall chart, based on production list, it can be transferred into production model incorrectly. That is because waterfall chart shows list items based on their "internal" code (from Anaplan words), meaning that if in prod some items will be with…
Promote Revision Tag to Multiple Spoke Models at One Time
With the way our Anaplan environment is structured, it would be a huge time saver to promote revision tags to multiple spoke models at one time instead of having to update them individually. Anyone else share the same need?
Ability to search for list items when granting read or write permission to users
Assigning read/write access to users is currently laborious, especially when the list is a composite list with several hierarchy levels and list items. For example, I built a workforce model where security was applied at a cost centre level, and the cost centre hierarchy had 7 levels and thousands of members. The ability…
'Last Modified: mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss' in Model Management
Think it would be a good idea for 'Last Modified: mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss' to be present as a 'column' that you can also use as a sorting option for your models in Model Management. Would be particularly helpful for determining the date a model was archived, which is a semi-common request made to Anaplan Support.