Bulk Delete Models
a workspace admin, I should be able to bulk delete models, rather than 1 by 1
Make Time Ranges Production Data
In order to support varied testing and especially split-model deployments (same dev model with different data sets/time periods), it would be useful to have Time Ranges be Production Data. This will provide value in allowing all deployed models linked to the development model to be configured independently and save on…
Ability to Disable and Modify Welcome Email
We want to be able to control who gets a welcome email stating that you're Active on Anaplan. Our access to Anaplan is via another tool and the email stating the person is an Active user is: #1: Misleading because they also need to be provisioned in the other system where we are controlling the link access to Anaplan and…
Ability to roll back a Production model that has been synced with ALM to a point prior to the synch
Description: Ability to roll back a Production model that has been synced with ALM to a point prior to the synchronization. Example of enhancement: Go to history, restore to an ID prior to the last sync. Benefit/impact: Safety net for speed that does not involve going through support to get back lost data. Sense of comfort…
Anaplan License Management Workflow in the Tenant Admin Page
As a client Tenant Administrator/CoE lead, I want to be able to set up the following license management workflow from the Anaplan Tenant Admin Page: - Specify the inactive user period threshold of X weeks/months, as well as notification period of Y days; - Check the "Last Active Date" of all the users who have access to my…
Search Functionality in 'Manage Models' Window
With mature Anaplan workspaces, there are typically dozens of models that would have been created during Foundations, development or for sandbox uses. As the list of models grows, it becomes hard to scroll through the list to find a specific model. This difficulty is especially evident in partners' workspaces, where there…
Audit request - applying filters to history export requests
Background - As a security audit process defined by P&G governance, we have to audit the application logs (from model history) to check if they are backed by request from business. However we do audit only for small subset of the data as the current log from models covers wide range. This being a monthly task, we download…
Change NAME() and add CODE() to Users list
As a Model Builder, I need a function to return User's First & Last Name, so I think the best solution would be adding CODE() function for Users list (which would have current functionality of NAME()), and change behavior of NAME() function applied to Users list. For backward compatibility, if NAME() cannot be changed,…
Selective Access in Child List formatted item
I am able to filter a list formatted item when selective access is enabled. However, it is not possible to do so when the line item is formatted as a list that does not has selective access enabled, even if it is a "child" of a selective access list. I need to be able to filter lower hierarchy levels based on inherited…
License Admin
As an administrator I would like to be able to control the use of licenses across my organisation by applying a limit to each license type. e.g. if we have 20 model builder licenses the system should stop workspace admins from assigning more than 20. I would also like to see something in Tenant Admin which would advise us…
Display Module size in Bytes in the Module table
When analysing model size, the cell count field in the module tab is very useful. However it does not tell the full story as different data types use different amounts of memory. For example a number will use ~8x as much as an integer. The current setup works well for smaller models, but can be particularly challenging…
Running History by User
Hi - it would be useful to be able to run a history log by user as well as time/date range. The history tab isn't the most user-friendly as it only shows a certain amount of changes and the text file export is even less user-friendly! Sometimes I just want to know what one specific user has done in the model. Thanks!
Ability to hide process details (eg list of actions, details and outcome, if needed)
As a model builder I want to have the option of hiding the entire process details when running a process so that the user experience is simplified, where possible. For example : we might have a number of import actions clubbed in a single process to manage and update filters displayed on a dashboard. This process would…
Ability to export data out of Tenant Admin
Currently, you can not export any data out of Tenant Admin to perform any sort of analysis. It would be good to be able to export users, models, workspaces, etc. data out of Tenant Admin to perform analysis to address clean up activities.
Allow the end-user to set their own language preference for a model within their settings.
Description of the enhancement required: Allow for Workspace Admins to configure the Platform in English but support alias tables that allow end-users to switch between different languages (i.e. English to French, etc.) An example of the enhancement: Allow the end-user to set their own language preference within their…
Copy user access settings across all WS in tenant
Hi all, Idea: As an tenant admin I would like to be able to copy user's access settings across the client's workspaces. Case: It is essential in cases where person's e-mail got changed or his/her role is taken by somebody else. Problem: Now I have to do everything manually from model to model. And i have only one ability…
Service Account Password Expiration Exception
It would be helpful to have the ability to grant a service account an exception from an expiring password in Anaplan. For integration if the client doesn't want to get into certificates.
Log user access through NUX in the audit log
The administrator audit log today tracks when a user accesses a model, which makes it useful for monitoring both unauthorized access/incorrect user settings and model usage across the platform. However, it does not log when a user accesses the model through NUX (which is not logged anywhere according to the support). As an…
More descriptive history entries for Blank Model Changes
Model history can contain entries saying "Blank Model Change", which can occur for example when changing the SSO access of a user. These could be more informative so we can understand what the change was. Another example - if you are setting a users access, it is usual to copy another users access by selecting an entire…
Number of periods for a model should not be part of ALM
There has been numerous occasions where by my clients have asked me to reduce time duration for DEV and UAT Models . For eg. i might have 20 Yrs forecast in prod but only 5 yrs in DEV and UAT . With number of periods being part of ALM it cannot be achieved . It will be great if we can take it out of ALM structural change…
See in Referenced By column if Line Item is used in Dynamic Cell Access
Hi all, Would be great if it would be possible to see if a line item is referenced for Dynamic Cell Access anywhere. Now you have to find out by trial and error. Kind regards, Maud
Hiding Saved Views in Classic UX
At the moment within our many models there modules with several saved views. Would be good to be able to "hide" the saved views so that as a modeller I can see the list of modules and then I can see the views either by clicking to expand or via the normal open command in module view. Would make model development a lot…
Referenced by feature for DCA Driver Line items
When you choose a line item as read or write access driver, there's no way to know that the line item is actually being used besides knowing/searching for it as an active driver in line item information. Can we have a 'referenced by' feature for when a line item is an active driver?
Initial User Welcome Email Formatting
Anaplan recently updated the formatting of their welcome email when a Workspace admin adds a user for the first time within Anaplan. The email title is "Active your Anaplan Account". We only allow users to login via SSO in our organization, however, clicking on "Active your Anaplan account" from within the email prompts a…
ALM Version Structure Settings - Allow for CURRENTVERSION setting updates in PROD model
Other structural version settings are now unique to the production environment and the Current Version setting should be allowed to be changed directly in the PROD environment as well. Currently if you are using the native version formula settings in order to calculate for specific versions, there is no dynamic way to…
Hide/Unhide an APP instead of Pages
Currently do not have a feature to hide an unwanted/In progress APP to not show it when end users login. Currently we can only Delete or manage the access to page level. Which is a daunting task if we have more than 10 pages.
Allow Migrations between Non-Production and Production workspaces that have separate SSO containers.
Our company, and I presume others, use a production and a non-production SSO environment for security purposes. We have our Anaplan workspaces setup to use them, accoringly. However, the Anaplan platform does not support migrating code from two workspaces that do not reside in the same SSO container. We believe this should…
More Detailed Filters on Anaplan Model History
Currently, History page only allows us to filter based on date range. I think the search functionalities should be expanded further. It should be categorized at least as metadata (structural) and data changes. This will enable us to review model structural changes apart from comparing revision tags. For example, after…
Hide pages in New UX based on user role
Being able to hide pages in the new UX based on role, not just selective access, in a way similar to Contents for the classic UX would help control user access so that users don't see pages that aren't relevant to their needs.
[ALM] Data refresh development model with data of the production model
In most of our models we are using ALM. With this we promote structural changes from development into test/production model. Sometimes our dev/test model has messed-up data, which causing we can't do proper testing. To avoid this we sometimes delete the dev/test model (after all changes has been synchronized to…