Personal Dashboarding and View modification capability in New UX
Personal dashboard in the classic view is a great feature for users as this helps them maintain their over views on dashboards which is most helpful for their nature of work. In new UX too, this is a must have. Otherwise it takes away a lot of capability from a dashboard point of view.
Docking ability between pages of the same app
The current dashboards in the classic view can be docked/undocked for side by side viewing. This capability, if brought in into the New UX within an app, it will help working on different models
Allow 'Select Levels to Show' for the Time Dimension
As a model builder, it would be really great to be able to use the 'Select Levels to Show' on the time dimension. This would allow me to quickly show only base level data or quickly show only summary level. It could be tied to the model settings, so only the summary levels that exist in the respective time range would be…
New UX: Display lists on a page
I've had a look at the new UX and tried to build replacement dashboards for my current model. It doesn't seem possible to select list content for a grid. You can only select module views. List views are very useful (or essential in my case) because a selection of my users need to edit list content. If I can't display this…
Page Anchors for Dashboards and New UX
My understanding is that there is no limit to how 'long' a dashboard / page can be, provided there is content to fill it. Page anchors and subsequently actions to navigate to them, similar to 'open dashboard', would be great (Including 'open' and 'navigate' behavior so that content is refreshed just like 'open dashboard').…
New UX: Let me save unfinished boards without requiring completion of all cards
When starting to build in New UX, I did what I normally do when designing anything...software designs, drawings or even musical ideas...rough out where I'm going in a sketch using basic placeholders then start filling in the pieces. In New UX I knew I wanted a handful of graphs here and there, text headlines etc. only to…
New UX: Warning before leaving a page that has unpublished edits
In classic, when I make changes to a dashboard and try to close the page, I am given a choice whether to discard or save the changes. Perfect. In New UX, i have lost major edits without realizing it by clicking an action, my page gets changed to where the action points. Then my edits are left unpublished and therefore…
New UX: Ability to enter carriage returns on text fields
This seems pretty basic to request, but I'd like to be able to drop down a line or two in a text field, without having to use another text field (classic does this). For example, in our classic model, all of our pages have a Single text field below the page's title that include something like this... PURPOSE: (description…
New UX: Type Directly in Text Field Card
When modeling in the New UX, I've saved a few card templates for the various types of text I plan to use in my designs. Saving a template card means I've gone to the trouble to do all the work upfront, presetting all the formatting the way I want it to be. However I still have to enter the card's edit mode just to actually…
Sankey (Flow + Magnitude) Charts
Hi Anaplan, We've had a few requests now for Sankey charts to show flow direction of data as well as the magnitude of this flow. Especially pertinent in allocation processes where you it would be great to be able to visualise the movement of data from one location to another i.e. Allocation of L3.C to G5.A & G5.B; or Sales…
Process include the ability to OPEN a DASHBOARD
I have dashboards filled with buttons, because i can't include all actions in a process. So i have a button to create a blank record in a list, then another button to open the dashboard to enable the user to edit the new record. If we had the ability to assign 'Open Dashboard' actions within a process, this halves my…
Organized Dynamic Access Driver Selections
As a model builder, dynamic access drivers can be hard to find when implementing this feature. Anything formatted as a boolean will appear as a possible driver and the resulting list becomes tedious to search through in big models. My idea is to show potential drivers based on the current module on the top of the drop-down…
Display a warning to model builders when they begin editing a dashboard already being edited
Today I had been involved in some major rework of a dashboard when that little green button on the dashboard shows up telling me that my version of the dashboard is out of date because changes are pending. That meant I could no longer save the many dashboard edits I had made until I refreshed to the latest version. The…
Dynamic label display on charts
Ability to hover over a line on a chart and see which member of the hierarchy the data point is showing. Currently, we only see the data value on the line with the label on the sides. However, when handling a chart with a multitude of lines, it helps to be able to hover over the line for a quick display. Example, line…
Compare Year by Year in Diagram
I would love to see the possibility to have a standard option for comparing year by year in diagrams. Now we create a work around to get the result but I have a hard time believing I´m the only one wanting to have this comparison
Have grid lines avaliable on Dashboard Edit Screen
Use of this would be to have grid lines shown in the edit screen of the dashboard to allow the user to line up the different Modules, Charts, and Textboxes on a Dashboard. This would help make dashboard design easier and more visually appealing final Dashboards.
Data Label for any specific series in Combination Charts
It would be really useful if we can turn off / on the Data label for any one Series in the combination chart, upon showing the values for Data label as of now we can see Data values for all series. for example : In the below combination chart there are 2 series A and B, Upon showing the values for Data label we can see…
Sorting with nested pivot
Being an Anaplan builder, I would like to be able to perform sorting with nested pivot (wich means pivot with several dimensions in rows). Currently, sorting can be done on in case of one dimension represented in rows. However, I would be great to have an ability to do the same with several dimensions (nested pivot) in…
Improve Anaplan display work with wide tables
Reason of the change: currently, if wide table is published on the dashboard, behavior of manipulating it can lead to different inconvenient results, exactly: 1) Opening search toolbar can switch to the middle of the table 2) Same for filters, sorting 3) Last line can dissapear Benefit: more user friendly WoW with wide…
Same space place for values of different formats
Currently in Anaplan different format values are located in different places of the cell. Thus, number format items are placed on the right, text and other - on the left. It makes the tables, containing lines of both types, hard for reading in case of wide columns. Benefit: more user-friendly design for tables with wide…
Ability to select only the first column/dimension of a module
In many modules and use cases, the row dimension is useful information. Hence the first column of a module contains a code/name that customer would like to use to search for in another selector/page. Currently, Anaplan behavior when you click on the row header, is to select the whole line. In order to manage this issue, we…
Process Builder - Ability to have multiple contacts receive a notification for a workflow step
Hi Anaplan, Currently the process builder only allows for each Process to only have ONE contact assignment. It would be really beneficial if it would possible to have multiple contacts recieve a notification for a workflow step. The benefit would be a time saving in not having to repeat the creation of multiple workflow…
Suppress Saved Views in Contents Pane
We have modules that we reference frequently that would be convenient to have accessible in the Contents Pane. However, there is a relatively high number of saved views on the modules and to include them in the Contents Pane would mean taking up many lines in the Contents Pane. It would be helpful if there were an option…
New UX should allow publishing Page Selectors
Currently, New UX only shows page selectors which are dimensions of modules. In classic dashboards, we have the ability to publish any list as a page selector on any dashboard. For example, we publish parent levels(of module dimensions) as page selectors. This is a must to have feature. We feel that New UX is a step…
New UX - ‘Publish selected line items to dashboard’ on Cards
Hi, I’m wanting to add a card on the below Worksheet in the new UX, and I’ve got 2 questions/enhancement suggestions. Firstly, when I’ve pivoted my saved view to how I want to show it in my card, I only want to see the text box, and in my saved view, I’ve reduced the left hand column, to 6pixels in length, but when it…
Changing number format for stakeholders
It would be useful to be able to change the format of numbers making it easier for senior stakeholders to see. if we have 56989 units of goods - we have to export data files into excel and reformat to display 57 as an output. It would be useful if Anaplan would be able to display 1,000s' in the same way.
Remove Anaplan Header Link
Description: Being an Anaplan user, I would like to avoid re-loading of Anaplan page if I occasionally click on "Anaplan" header on the top of the page. Benefit/Impact: Removing of occasional re-load of the page with loosing all of set tabs/modules etc. will allow not to break business work with preparing working view…
Dynamic Time View Settings
Purpose: Retain views with multiple types of time scales/periods in the same view during YoY rollover, for multiple line items or list items, in a single view. Example: Dimensionality: Vertical/Columns- Time/ Line Item Horizontal/Rows- List Members Display: Line item 1 - Year only Line item 2 - Non-applicable (Display Full…
Conditional Formatting on List item (in addition to line item)
Current conditional formatting is based on line items, in addition to this we like to have such possible for list items as well. E.g. highlight particular products, customers or months. Conditional formatting on line items should still be possible in addition and if for a cell both formatting (based on list item and line…
Show/Hide line items in Blue Print view
I would like to have the possibility to Show and Hide the line items in the Blue Print as well as the column headers (Parent, Format, Applies to, etc). I would like to have this selection available while the module is open, without the possibility to save the view. This functionality will make it easier while working with…