Pages available on landing page
hi Team, Using the new landing page, a maximum of 8 Pages are displayed even if the users have access to more than 8. If the design decision is to be kept at 8, then the admins should have the control on which 8 pages the users should see. This would resolve an issue where a workflow may require more than 8 Pages and the…
Issue with modules syncing with itself on an NUX page
Synchonized selection should not sync on the SAME grid that I click on to sync the rest of the page. If I select an item in the grid to see the metadata on that item on the right, you should still see the entire grid without having to re-sync with the top page selector, which as you can see doesn’t even sync on the level…
NUX Worksheet: Have Global Context Selectors appear on Additional Insights Card
Hi, In a Worksheet, it would be helpful to have Global Context Selectors appear on a Card in the Additional Insights pane (but still be able to Sync with Page). My reasoning is this: I have a few other filters in the Additional Insights pane and am hoping to have all of my filters/context selectors in the same location.…
[NEW UX] Computer VS Mobile personalized user access
As a user, when I'm using my Phone I only want to see pages which are specifically designed to be Mobile friendly and when I'm using the Computer to see only computer friendly pages. Our model builders designed pages which are better fit for Computer use but also pages that are specifically made to be used on the phone via…
Custom Timescale Filter instead of Time Period Drop Down
Current Timescale Selection * Current UX: Selecting a year (e.g. FY20) in the page filter will will sync any worksheets to January - December. There's no native way to show something custom like the trailing 24 months. * Modules/Classic dashboards: manually show/hide dates, or apply a filter which you'll have to do for…
Fix screen formatting when scrolling to bottom of module
I am sure i am not the only one to experience this bug/issue. The problem when in Admin view or Classic UX: When scrolling to the bottom of a module (one large enough to require scrolling to see the line items at the bottom of the module) the bottom-most line items can not be reached using the scroll bar. To even see these…
NUX: Differentiation between Summary Items and List Items like Old UX
In the Old UX, there used to be double lines to signify that something was a summary item. For example, if a module was dimensioned by quarters, the Years would have a double line (see screenshot). This made the data easy to understand. However, in the new UX, there is no native formatting that accomplishes this (see…
NUX - Migrate all previous formatting functionality from Classic UX to New UX
Hi All, I am having a bit of trouble sorting through all of the various ideas relating to NUX and formatting, so I have a simple request to migrate all previous formatting functionality from Classic UX to NUX. If this is the plan for the roadmap, then having an idea of timing (or even that it is on the roadmap) would be…
Deactivate Pop-up window when process in NUX is triggered
As a normal End User without Workspace Admin / Page Builder rights I would like to start a process that consists of multiple actions without having to confirm "run process" in an additional NUX pop-up window. This is only required when the process contains an action for which a file upload is needed. This functionality…
Create Read Only Field Cards - New UX
The Field cards in the NUX are great for text input. However, unlike other cards where you can turn editing of the card on a certain page, you can't do that for field cards. This would be a great addition for the concept of review dashboards where we don't want users of any role editing, but just reviewing data. Since the…
In the Mobile app, provide an option to not auto-maximize a grid
I am looking to use the mobile app to easily capture input data (for example, inventory count). When a user touches the grid, the grid automatically maximizes. I would like the option to activate for input without maximizing, so that other items on the screen are visible. For example, selecting a list member in another…
NUX - Create My Page from "Current Selection" in Worksheet
User Story: As an end user I want to save my current view in a worksheet as My Page to have it right away the next time I do a similar analysis. I think this is something happening very often during some analysis, you open a worksheet with a default view and then pivot it around, filter on something or even use show and…
NUX Cards scalability
Hello, based on my experience and being excited for new UX improvements (especially in terms of visualization where AN still lacks behind many other software) I would suggest to address the issue with the non-scalability of the cards in the NUX. Is this something to be addressed in future releases? Best regards Kristina
Default Synchronize Selection to Match Default Page Selectors
Setup: There is a summary table by region on a dashboard and a detailed table by accounts on the same dashboard which is synchronized on the same list. The summary table has a default page selected which is the Top Level. The detailed table default currently shows accounts belonging to the first item of the hierarchy only,…
Change "Use Top Level as Default Page" to pick list of list members instead of boolean
Request: Under General List, change "Use Top Level as Default Page" from a Boolean to a picklist from the list's members. Apply this selection to all dashboards/module as the default view. Retain the option to change the default page under the dashboard "Selection Option" of the Edit view though. Benefit: While the Top…
Selector in OLD/NUX
In old I have a selector with several assumptions. Based of the selector my P&L is recalculated. I love that in OLD. In NUX this is not available, then I cannot use NUX because of that. I can't precalculate everything just for NUX. It cost too much space and I want to consume that data on the fly.
NUX Resize nested dimension columns
Re-sizing the columns in the NUX is possible at the moment. However the ability to resize the column width for the nested dimensions would be a great addition. In this way the user can decide what's the column width taken by each of the various nested lists instead of both taking the same space on the screen.
Create and/or update a module view in the New UX
Description: As a model builder, I would like to be able to create a module view (or update an existing module view) directly in the New UX. I also want the current functionality (e.g. filtering, conditional formatting, etc) that exists in creating/updating a view in a module via the model available in the New UX when…
Context Sensitive Selection of Parent in Forms
As a Model Builder an Planning user it would be great if the Parent Selector of a Form could be context sensitive. Forms are used to create new Elements in a numbered list which often need to be dynamically attached to a parent. E.g. I want to create a new position ins a cost center looking at a specific cost center.…
Gantt chart: bars height determined by a Line Item
As a Page Builder, I want to have the possibility to make the height of the bars of the Gantt chart dependant on a numeric line item (KPI). This should also appear as additional information of each bar when you hover the mouse on it. This enhancement will enrich the information and the use cases covered by the Gantt Chart.