Informatica Issue


There's an issue while running a Process in Anaplan from IICS. When a certain process is run from IICS instead of picking the new source file it's picking up the Native file and after 48 hours it throws an error "localMessageText=The uploaded file is no longer available; please upload the file again, occurrences=0, type=importFailedGeneralError". The issue is it runs the process from Anaplan -> Settings -> Actions -> Processes and runs the Native file and when we run the actions separately instead of Processes it picks up the file from Source folder (Desired folder) and uploads the new file intended to upload the data. 

Can anyone share their insights as to why this is the case with Processes in Anaplan when they're integrated with IICS?  


  • @Neelkanth9827 

    File type.PNG

    I am not sure but try this, When you setup the action on the first window you get an option to set the default file. You have to set it to 'everyone' so that it stays in the server to get accessed by Informaticia.





  • Yes we tried this already, by using Admin and Everyone but the issue is the Process still picks the source file from the native file loaded during action creation and not the source file we are trying to import real time.