Restrict Date Selection


We have a date field to be selected in a line item which is date formatted....Can we restrict user to select a date beyond certain user defined date field....;,e any date they want to select should not go prior Oct 2021....(which is a user defined field) and its dynamic.






  • Hi 

    Yes, it is possible. can you tell me you want to restrict by months or date? 

    you can use DCA method to achieve this. You can create a line item (boolean) and put a logic to give false on any date before oct 21 and use it as write column for DCA for your data entry line item.


  • Hi @ekta09 , 

    I do not think we can restrict the selection of date in Date Formatted line item. Its the default time settings has been provided by the system. 

    If there is a possibility of using Native time , instead of Date selection in line item , then the cells prior to defined Date can be restricted using DCA which is mentioned by @ManjunathKN 


  • Hi ,


    Thank You for the quick response.

    I tried the stated approach  but I can still see values before oct21 .

    I have attached screenshots wherein date check is the boolean check used in termination date "Write DCA". T




    Could you please suggest.


  • Hi,

    have you applied your date check line item as DCA write on your termination data line item in blue print view?


  • Hi @ekta09 

    Dont use the termination data for your data check line item. use another line item that defines oct 21 data.


  • I agree with @PujithaB drop down options for date entry cannot be restricted 

  • Hi

    Please find the sample example.


    i see you have already created the formula for date check but you have used same termination date to compare with lauchpoint, rather you need to use the restrict date like i used and also apply DCA.(note : i have not used time here)
