Level 2 Sprint 3 INV01 Beginning Inventory - Import from DataHub


I have issue to import Beginning inventory from DataHub view to Supply Chain DAT01 Beginning Inventory module. Loading process has no issue to complete 371 lines, but when I check module, it only imports first Location - Country list. All location sub in DataHub and supply chain list are matched.  So Frustrated, Please help! 



  • @Julia2020 can you share screen shot of error you are facing ?

  • Julia2020_0-1644965664343.png

    after I import data, it only bring me one country location, missing others.


  • @Julia2020 is your code populated for all the locations in data hub view ? check that pls also share the screen shot of SYS07 build location view module 

  • Julia2020_0-1644966470469.png




    DataHub and supply chain both location list has it 's code filled, and SYS07 also.


  • @Julia2020 looks like your list is populated can you show me blueprint view of DAT01 module ,you would need to use subset of G3 location list as- your dimension here.

  • Julia2020_0-1644967214016.png


  • @Julia2020 I suspect you are missing hierarchy levels here , please check if you G3 list is parented by G2 and g2 is parented by G1 and G1 got top level as ALL regions - screen grab below 




  • Julia2020_0-1644968108021.pngJulia2020_1-1644968157954.png

    see both datahub and supply chain have parent hierarchy list already

  • There issue could also be due to mapping, please share the screenshots of your mapping

  • Julia2020_0-1645021927708.png


    run this import process without errors to complete total 371 lines, but strange thing is location mapping only coming out one location here.

  • Thanks for your big help ! The issue is my Select Access blocked.

  • You mean you had selective access enabled on Location list by mistake?

  • yes, I set select access list under my user id for only one location. After remove that, I can import all locations. Thanks for you help !