Level 1 Model Building Exam Model Building Activity 5 correct sequence





  • @MatthieuB 


    Please feel free to ask questions, but please refrain from posting the actual answers and formulas to the exam questions.



  • Hello rob,

    But I get a strange result, the amount seems huge



    The value in yellow that I must indicate
    I am not to show myself so close to the goal



  • @MatthieuB 


    Look through your formula and make sure you are "looking up" the correct information.  Remember, you might have to do multiple lookups.



  • Hi,

    I just don't understand my seemingly correct formula 


    IF Employed? THEN Salary * 'EMP03 Employee Drivers by role'.Medical Benefit[LOOKUP: 'SYS08 Employee Details'.Department, LOOKUP: 'SYS08 Employee Details'.Role] ELSE 0


    Did I make an error the system does not return an error






  • @MatthieuB 


    Why are you multiplying Medical Benefits by Salary?



  • @MatthieuB When debugging a formula, it often helps to break each section into its own separate line item so you can see the values along the way. When you break apart the formula, the issue often becomes obvious.


    In your case, it may help to have the below components of your formula broken out into separate line items:

    • Employed?
    • Salary
    • 'SYS08 Employee Details'.Department
    • 'SYS08 Employee Details'.Role
    • 'EMP03 Employee Drivers by role'.Medical Benefit[LOOKUP: 'SYS08 Employee Details'.Department, LOOKUP: 'SYS08 Employee Details'.Role]


    Additionally, to drill into the data that is driving specific values, you can use the drill down capability.

  • @MatthieuB FYI I have moved your post to the Academy & Training forum.