Can we have 2 DCA for one line item?


Scenario - At the UX level , a user will come and input a value in the line item(For example KPI). This KPI is different across different geographies. So a user can only edit KPI from his/her region. In order to do that I set DCA at the KPI level. 

Now once the user has put the value, manager will come to review and if all seems well will lock the target value. Once the value is locked , it will become read only for everyone.

Now In order to do this, I need to apply both the DCA at the same line item level. 

Please suggest how I can apply both these rules to the same line item.

attaching a screenshot showing step 1. 


Best Answer

  • BrunoRodriguez

    Hello @PranayG ,


    You can only have 1 DCA per line item, but you could have both conditions synchronised in a single boolean. Once you apply that boolean as DCA everything will be streamlined.


    I hope that helped!

    Kind regards,

    Bruno Rodriguez
