level2 Confirmed PO Delivery formulas

POST(PO Submitted, Shipping Time Weeks) worked in Confirmed PO Delivery Formula.OFFSET(PO Submitted, Shipping Time Weeks, 0) is right according to the hint in the module but it is giving wrong results  as adding value in the current and 2 weeks ago column not filling the value in after two weeks.added a screenshot. Plz explain the reason


  • @RAJAT786 

    Good question. First, POST is the right function for Confirmed PO Delivery. The difference between POST and OFFSET is that POST calculates a value and moves it to the time period you wish. Can be dynamic or static. OFFSET takes every value of a different line item and places it in the line item your calculating. Subtle difference but in our case we are calculating whether or not a planner has indicated the need for a PO. We need to move that value to the right week for evaluation.

  • Post and Offset are very similar functions.


    Offset is going to give you the value from your selected line item "n" number of periods in the future or in the past. 


    Confirmed PO Delivery          = OFFSET(PO Submitted, Final Shipping Time Weeks, 0)



    Post, on the other hand, is going to push the value from your selected line item 'n' number of periods in the future or in the past. 


    Confirmed PO Delivery Test  = POST(PO Submitted, Final Shipping Time Weeks)



    in this case POST is the most appropriate function.