Uploading file Via REST API and Triggering Imports


Hi All -


I am working on a small POC to do the following:


  1. Create a simple list in anaplan
  2. Import data into the list via file upload.
  3. Permission on import/upload file will be sent to "Admin Only".
  4. Import/upload will be done initially with my user account (ie damian.shameer@xcompany.com)
  5. Create a systematic/batched process within my org to periodically do the following:
    1. Upload data to Anaplan into file created in #2
    2. Trigger the import process created in #2 to load the data from the upload file
    3. Upload and Import will be done via the REST APIs and not Anaplan Connect.
  6. A special data integration account, ie my_aplan_integ@xcompany.com, will be used for #5(I cannot used my login account for security reasons). The data integration account will be added as a Work Space Admin to the applicable Workspace/Model.


I have completed #1-4 with out any issues.








#5 is also complete. I can upload a file via the REST API and trigger the Import Task created in #2 with my integration account.


How the POC was tested:

*Special integration account  used for all REST API calls


1. Perform import with 100K rows via Anaplan UI with my login id. Verify list contains 100K rows

2. Create an Action to truncate the list, ie, "Delete All Data From List"

3. Execute "Delete All Data From List" via the REST API call to clear list--> completed with 200 return code . Verified in Anaplan as well

4. Create a text file with 2 rows (structurally the same as original upload file).

5. Upload file via REST API using the File ID (retrieved by getting list of all Server Files) --> completed with 204 return code

6. Trigger Import task via REST API --> completed with 200 return code but not as expected


Expected result: List will now contain 2 rows

Actual result: Import process picked up the file I uploaded via the User Interface.

13:25:26.916 [main] INFO com.fw. - successRowCount - 166598
13:25:26.916 [main] INFO com.fw.x - successCreateCount - 166598


What could be missing here?





Additional Details since Anaplan will not accept my replies (made 3 replies, none showing up):


This is a PUT request hence the response (as per standards) should be 204 and not 200. See https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Status/204


I am following this API Request: Upload a single chunk


Example from Documentation. I also tried the option to upload by chunks (Set Chunk count, upload 1 chunk, set upload as complete...Still didn't work).




curl -X PUT \
htt ps://api.anaplan.com/2/0/workspaces/8a8196b15b7dbae6015b8694411d13fe/models/75A40874E6B64FA3AE0743278996850F/files/113000000008 \
-H 'authorization: AnaplanAuthToken {auth_token}' \
-H "Content-Type:application/octet-stream" --upload-file Tests.txt




My API call:


Request: URL: htt ps:  //api.anaplan.com/2/0/workspaces/x/models/x/files/113000000039


File to be uploaded:

File uploaded via browser had 160K rows. THis file will be smaller



1,7/1/2019 9:55,test.user2@comap.com,Change Line Item
2,7/1/2019 9:58,test.user2@comap.com,Change Module
19,7/1/2019 11:03,test.user2@comap.com,Change Line Item Write Access Driver
20,7/1/2019 11:03,test.user2@comap.com,Change Line Item Read Access Driver
21,7/1/2019 11:03,test.user2@comap.com,Change Line Item Read Access Driver
22,7/1/2019 11:03,test.user2@comap.com,Change Line Item Write Access Driver



Upload file details (from REST API call)


ServerFileData: id: 113000000039 name: Activity_log_4_160K-20190915.csv code: null chunkCount: 1 origin: null format: txt language: null country: null encoding: ISO-8859-1 separator: , delimiter: " headerRow: 1 firstDataRow: 2 files[2]: 



Import Details:


imports[1] id: 112000000038 | name: Activity Log from Activity_log_4_160K-20190915.csv | code: null| importType: HIERARCHY_DATA | importDataSourceId: 113000000039 



Java Code:


    static void uploadFile(CloseableHttpClient client, String apiURL, String authToken, String fileNameWithPath) {

        // My URL: URL: htt ps://api.anap lan.com/2/0/workspaces/x/models/x/files/113000000039
   // Sample (Docs, Unload as single chunk): htt ps://api.anapla n.com/2/0/workspaces/8a8196b15b7dbae6015b8694411d13fe/models/75A40874E6B64FA3AE0743278996850F/files/113000000008

        System.out.println("URL: " + apiURL);

        StopWatch stopWatch = new StopWatch();

        try {
            HttpPut request = new HttpPut(apiURL);
            request.setHeaders(getHeadersForUpload(authToken, false));

            File source = new File(fileNameWithPath);

            if (source == null || !source.exists() || !source.isFile() || !source.canRead()) {
                throw new RuntimeException("Input file must be a valid file. File must be read-able. Check Source file. ");

            byte[] byte_data = org.apache.commons.io.FileUtils.readFileToByteArray(source);

            if (byte_data == null || byte_data.length == 0) {
                //TODO determine if this should be allowed
                throw new RuntimeException("Source File seems to be empty. No Data to upload. ");

            System.out.println("Data Size (mb): "+byte_data.length /1024);

            // create data stream and set to request
            InputStreamEntity entity = new InputStreamEntity(new ByteArrayInputStream(byte_data), byte_data.length);

            System.out.println("Begin File upload...");

            HttpResponse response = client.execute(request);
            System.out.println("Upload request done. Took: " + stopWatch.toString());

            int responseCode = response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode();
            String respText = response.getEntity() != null ? EntityUtils.toString(response.getEntity()) : "[no response text]";
            System.out.println("Response Code: " + responseCode);

            if (responseCode != 204) {
                System.out.println("Error: " + respText);
                throw new RuntimeException("Upload may have failed. API Return code was: " + responseCode + ". Expect Code 204");
            } else {
                System.out.println("File Uploaded!!");
        } catch (IOException e) {
            //TODO add proper logging and custom exception
            throw new RuntimeException("IOException thrown. File upload failed. Error: " + e.getMessage());





URL: http s://api.anaplan.com/2/0/workspaces/x/mode ls/x/files/113000000039
contentTypeValue: application/octet-stream
Data Size: 443
Begin File upload...
Upload request done. Took: 00:00:02.722
Response Code: 204
File Uploaded!!




Results from Import Task:

Expecting only 6 rows to be upload. Import task picked up the file i uploaded via the browser (166,598  rows)



8:12:56.858 [main] INFO com.fw.x.x.anaplan.restapi.client.logging.LogUtils - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 
08:12:56.859 [main] INFO com.fw.x.anaplan.restapi.client.Task - Activity Log: 166598 (0/166598) rows successful, 0 ignored 
08:12:56.859 [main] INFO com.fw.x.anaplan.restapi.client.Task - hierarchyName - Activity Log
08:12:56.859 [main] INFO com.fw.x.anaplan.restapi.client.Task - successRowCount - 166598
08:12:56.859 [main] INFO com.fw.x.anaplan.restapi.client.Task - successCreateCount - 0
08:12:56.859 [main] INFO com.fw.x.anaplan.restapi.client.Task - successUpdateCount - 166598
08:12:56.859 [main] INFO com.fw.x.anaplan.restapi.client.Task - warningsRowCount - 0
08:12:56.859 [main] INFO com.fw.x.anaplan.restapi.client.Task - warningsCreateCount - 0
08:12:56.859 [main] INFO com.fw.x.anaplan.restapi.client.Task - warningsUpdateCount - 0
08:12:56.859 [main] INFO com.fw.x.anaplan.restapi.client.Task - failedCount - 0
08:12:56.859 [main] INFO com.fw.x.anaplan.restapi.client.Task - ignoredCount - 0
08:12:56.860 [main] INFO com.fw.x.anaplan.restapi.client.Task - totalRowCount - 166598
08:12:56.860 [main] INFO com.fw.x.anaplan.restapi.client.Task - totalCreateCount - 0
08:12:56.860 [main] INFO com.fw.x.anaplan.restapi.client.Task - totalUpdateCount - 166598
08:12:56.860 [main] INFO com.fw.x.anaplan.restapi.client.Task - invalidCount - 0
08:12:56.860 [main] INFO com.fw.x.anaplan.restapi.client.Task - updatedCount - 166598
08:12:56.860 [main] INFO com.fw.x.anaplan.restapi.client.Task - renamedCount - 166598
08:12:56.860 [main] INFO com.fw.x.anaplan.restapi.client.Task - createdCount - 0
08:12:56.864 [main] INFO com.fw.x.anaplan.restapi.client.Task - Task ID 407A8B7967A94CFEA00E8491CBE98F35 executed by anaplanfrsysdev Complete. Took: 00:00:01.316




Best Answer

  • nathan_rudman

    I think Ben is in the right,it has to do with file isolation for users,  but it is definitely possible for an import to be set up by a user and run via the API from Anaplan user. I've done this recently albeit with Anaplan Connect, but it should be the same.

    In that example, we have made the data source (third tab of the action panel) available to everyone.

    Can you try it this way ?


    it has no security impact: users can't access the data sources, only WSA can



  • Hi,


    the response should be 200.


    Are you following the doc ?



    Can you show us your request/code to the API ?

  • Yes, I have reviewed https://anaplanbulkapi20.docs.apiary.io/#reference/upload-files


    The upload REST API is a PUT hence the response should be 204 and not 200. See https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Status/204 


    The document clearly states a successfully response will return 204.


    The API I am calling is 'upload a single file


    Upload a single chunk

    • Request
    curl -X PUT \
    https://api.anaplan.com/2/0/workspaces/8a8196b15b7dbae6015b8694411d13fe/models/75A40874E6B64FA3AE0743278996850F/files/113000000008 \
    -H 'authorization: AnaplanAuthToken {auth_token}' \
    -H "Content-Type:application/octet-stream" --upload-file Tests.txt

    My Code.

    File to be upload in text format, size is ~9 MB




    static void uploadFile(CloseableHttpClient client, String apiURL, String authToken, String fileNameWithPath) {
            // My URL: ---<a href="https://api.anaplan.com/2/0/workspaces/x/models/x/files/113000000042" target="_blank">https://api.anaplan.com/2/0/workspaces/x/models/x/files/113000000042</a>
            // Sample (Docs, Unload as single chunk): ------<a href="https://api.anaplan.com/2/0/workspaces/8a8196b15b7dbae6015b8694411d13fe/models/75A40874E6B64FA3AE0743278996850F/files/113000000008" target="_blank">https://api.anaplan.com/2/0/workspaces/8a8196b15b7dbae6015b8694411d13fe/models/75A40874E6B64FA3AE0743278996850F/files/113000000008</a>
            System.out.println("URL: " + apiURL);
            StopWatch stopWatch = new StopWatch();
            try {
                HttpPut request = new HttpPut(apiURL);
                request.setHeaders(getHeadersForUpload(authToken, false));
                File source = new File(fileNameWithPath);
                if (source == null || !source.exists() || !source.isFile() || !source.canRead()) {
                    throw new RuntimeException("Input file must be a valid file. File must be read-able. Check Source file. ");
                byte[] byte_data = org.apache.commons.io.FileUtils.readFileToByteArray(source);
                System.out.println("Data size: " + byte_data == null ? "[NULL]" : byte_data.length);
                if (byte_data == null || byte_data.length == 0) {
                    //TODO determine if this should be allowed
                    throw new RuntimeException("Source File seems to be empty. No Data to upload. ");
                // create data stream and set to request
                InputStreamEntity entity = new InputStreamEntity(new ByteArrayInputStream(byte_data), byte_data.length);
                System.out.println("Begin File upload...");
                HttpResponse response = client.execute(request);
                System.out.println("Upload request done. Took: " + stopWatch.toString());
                int responseCode = response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode();
                String respText = response.getEntity() != null ? EntityUtils.toString(response.getEntity()) : "[no response text]";
                System.out.println("Response Code: " + responseCode);
                if (responseCode != 204) {
                    System.out.println("Error: " + respText);
                    throw new RuntimeException("Upload may have failed. API Return code was: " + responseCode + ". Expect Code 204");
                } else {
                    System.out.println("File Uploaded!!");
            } catch (IOException e) {
                //TODO add proper logging and custom exception
                throw new RuntimeException("IOException thrown. File upload failed. Error: " + e.getMessage());









    URL: <a href="<a href="https://api.anaplan.com/2/0/workspaces/x/models/x/files/113000000042" target="_blank">https://api.anaplan.com/2/0/workspaces/x/models/x/files/113000000042</a>" target="_blank"><a href="https://api.anaplan.com/2/0/workspaces/x/models/x/files/113000000042</a" target="_blank">https://api.anaplan.com/2/0/workspaces/x/models/x/files/113000000042</a</a>> 
    contentTypeValue: application/octet-stream
    Begin File upload...
    Upload request done. Took: 00:00:08.020
    Response Code: 204
    File Uploaded!!





  • I have responded to this now 3 times with the necessary details yet my response is not showing up
  • send me a DM if you want
  • Your step 3 (permission on import/upload file will be sent to "Admin Only") is actually setting the initial upload as a "default file" that is available to any other admin who has not uploaded their own copy of the file, so they can for example edit the import definition with representative source data. I think this default file is being picked up by the API-invoked import because the API file upload has not completed but need more detail on what API endpoints were used for the upload to figure out what is missing.

  • I have updated my original post to include API details.


    As noted above, i tried several upload options:

    1. Upload by Chunks 
      1. set the chunk count
      2. upload chunks
      3. mark upload as success
    2. Upload a single chunk
      1. upload a single file as noted above

    In both cases, the upload picked up the file i uploaded via the UI and not sent via API even though I used the proper File ID


  • @ben_speight 

    Any thoughts on this?

  • @nathan_rudman 

    I've attached the code and additional details. any ideas why the upload file is not being picked up?

  • I think you're uploading the file and running the import as different users - make sure they are the same.

    It would be helpful to fix the "Data Size (mb):" message to either convert to megabytes (/1048576) or report it as kilobytes, because that threw me. The output doesn't include that line though - check the compiled class is newer than the source code.

  • "I think you're uploading the file and running the import as different users - make sure they are the same."


    This will never be the same as the Upload and Import are initiated by a human via the User interface.


    The batch-based process is a special integration account (not human)....I cannot add my email and password in a batch system.


    So are you saying if I initiated an upload/import via the browser with my personal account, set access to "Admin Only" then proceed to perform an upload to the same file with another account via the REST API, Anaplan will not recognize the newly uploaded file? The import process will not pick up the newly API-uploaded-file but the file i uploaded via the browser?

  • If you upload as user A then run the import as user B then that import will not access user A's upload - they are isolated by user, with the only exception being a default copy which can only be set by an uploading admin in the UI. You need to invoke the import as user A, which is usually done using the API straight after the upload.

    If you require an import to be runnable by alternate users from the UI then have the API upload process import into a staging area (module/lists) and source the UI import from that.


  • @nathan_rudman 


    This works...been on this for 2 days! thanks a million. 


    I did the following:


    1. Clicked on "Import Data Sources" --> New Source --> Upload New file



    2. Selected my file, set permission to "Admins Only" and complete the file upload




    [#1 and #2 done with my email account via browser]


    #3 and on wards uses the integration account  


    3. As a test, I triggered a file download via the REST API and was able to download the file I uploaded via the Browser...Good!


    4. Perform an update via the REST API:





     htt ps://api.anaplan.com/2/0/workspaces/xx/models/xxxxxx/files/ActivityLog_POC_ui_upload_20190917_v2.txt







    contentTypeValue: application/octet-stream
    Data Size: 1075
    Begin File upload...
    Upload request done. Took: 00:00:00.914
    Response Code: 204
    File Uploaded!!




    One thing to note here is that the API will not take the File ID even though the documentation states send the file id. I got a 404 error when i tried htt ps://api.anaplan.com/2/0/workspaces/xx/models/4xx/files/113000000042



    Upload a single chunk

    • Request
    curl -X PUT \
    https://api.anaplan.com/2/0/workspaces/8a8196b15b7dbae6015b8694411d13fe/models/75A40874E6B64FA3AE0743278996850F/files/113000000008 \
    -H 'authorization: AnaplanAuthToken {auth_token}' \
    -H "Content-Type:application/octet-stream" --upload-file Tests.txt


    5. Ran File down via REST API and was able to download the file i uploaded in #4..good!


    6. Ran the Import Task via REST API and data successfully loaded to list!




    00:37:26.616 [main] INFO com.fw.xx.anaplan.restapi.client.Task - Run status: Complete. (100.0%)
    00:37:26.617 [main] INFO com.fw.xx.anaplan.restapi.client.logging.LogUtils - -----------------------------------------
    00:37:26.617 [main] INFO com.fw.xx.anaplan.restapi.client.Task - <<< The operation was successful >>>  =)
    00:37:26.617 [main] INFO com.fw.xx.anaplan.restapi.client.logging.LogUtils - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 
    00:37:26.631 [main] INFO com.fw.xx.anaplan.restapi.client.Task - Activity Log: 41 (41/0) rows successful, 0 ignored 
    00:37:26.631 [main] INFO com.fw.xx.anaplan.restapi.client.Task - hierarchyName - Activity Log
    00:37:26.631 [main] INFO com.fw.xx.anaplan.restapi.client.Task - successRowCount - 41
    00:37:26.631 [main] INFO com.fw.xx.anaplan.restapi.client.Task - successCreateCount - 41
    00:37:26.631 [main] INFO com.fw.xx.anaplan.restapi.client.Task - successUpdateCount - 0
    00:37:26.631 [main] INFO com.fw.xx.anaplan.restapi.client.Task - warningsRowCount - 0
    00:37:26.631 [main] INFO com.fw.xx.anaplan.restapi.client.Task - warningsCreateCount - 0
    00:37:26.631 [main] INFO com.fw.xx.anaplan.restapi.client.Task - warningsUpdateCount - 0
    00:37:26.631 [main] INFO com.fw.xx.anaplan.restapi.client.Task - failedCount - 0
    00:37:26.631 [main] INFO com.fw.xx.anaplan.restapi.client.Task - ignoredCount - 0
    00:37:26.631 [main] INFO com.fw.xx.anaplan.restapi.client.Task - totalRowCount - 41
    00:37:26.631 [main] INFO com.fw.xx.anaplan.restapi.client.Task - totalCreateCount - 41
    00:37:26.631 [main] INFO com.fw.xx.anaplan.restapi.client.Task - totalUpdateCount - 0
    00:37:26.632 [main] INFO com.fw.xx.anaplan.restapi.client.Task - invalidCount - 0
    00:37:26.632 [main] INFO com.fw.xx.anaplan.restapi.client.Task - updatedCount - 0
    00:37:26.645 [main] INFO com.fw.xx.anaplan.restapi.client.Task - renamedCount - 0
    00:37:26.646 [main] INFO com.fw.xx.anaplan.restapi.client.Task - createdCount - 41
    00:37:26.646 [main] INFO com.fw.xx.anaplan.restapi.client.Task - Task ID 40B850F76B454418B43BB4FA7C4375FF executed by anaplanfrsysdev Complete. Took: 00:00:01.354




    Next Steps:


    This is a single file upload which will work for most cases however I have several use cases where I need to upload very large data files ( >100 MB) so will need to use chunking...Will test the Chunk APIs next


  • great !
  • Hi @nathan_rudman @damianshameer2,


    I have tried to implement all the mentioned steps which you have written. I have been getting no error while uploading the file via APIs either using File_id or file_name. But unfortunately, my file is not getting uploaded to the Anaplan. I am using the below curl command for uploading the file. 

    curl -X PUT "https://api.anaplan.com/2/0/workspaces/8a8XXX/models/74XXX/files/NIAM.csv" 
    -H "authorization: AnaplanAuthToken <TOKEN>" 
    -H "Content-Type:application/octet-stream" 
    --upload-file "C:/Users/SG185339/OneDrive - NCR Corporation/Desktop/NIAM User Export1.txt" 

    I have tried setting up the default file column to 'Everyone' and 'Admin only' both, and tried uploading the file, but still no luck. Below is the snapshot of the import data source.



    The user with which I am uploading the file on UI and the user with which I am updating the file via APIs are different, but both are admins.

    Can you tell me where I am doing a mistake?


    Please help. It's urgent. Thanks in advance.



  • Did you configure the File Source in Anaplan correctly?


    In order for the API to write data to file, you must first configure the file source:


    Go to Actions --> Import Data Sources--> new Source ---> Upload file and follow the wizard. 


    create a dummy file and let Anaplan know the structure/layout ..Ensure you enable it for Work-space Admin.


    Once the above is done THEN you can write data to the file.



  • I don't  use CURL....Mostly JAVA but this seems off from your code


    curl -X PUT "https://api.anaplan.com/2/0/workspaces/8a8XXX/models/74XXX/files/NIAM.csv" 




    The format should be: 

    Upload file as a single chunk

    /workspaces/{workspaceID}/models/{modelID}/files/{fileId} --upload-file Tests.


    Upload file as a single chunk

    /workspaces/{workspaceID}/models/{modelID}/files/{fileId} --upload-file Tests.txt

    You can upload a single file to the server.

    Note: You cannot compress a file that you are uploading as a single file. If the file is smaller than 1 MB, we recommend you PUT it onto the server by streaming it as an octet stream.

    Upload a single chunk
    • Request
    curl -X PUT \
    https://api.anaplan.com/2/0/workspaces/8a8196b15b7dbae6015b8694411d13fe/models/75A40874E6B64FA3AE0743278996850F/files/113000000008 \
    -H 'authorization: AnaplanAuthToken {auth_token}' \
    -H "Content-Type:application/octet-stream" --upload-file Tests.txt

    You should use the File ID and not name


    Also, try to climate spaces in your file path...Windows have issues with this



  • Hi @damianshameer2 

    I have used the API suggested by you. I have tried removing spaces from the path as well.

    Below is the code.

    curl -X PUT "https://api.anaplan.com/2/0/workspaces/8a81b01068d4b6820163592495b57449/models/14648F7683B84465BBEABC01060E2B65/files/113000000035" -H "authorization: AnaplanAuthToken <TOKEN>" -H "Content-Type:application/octet-stream" --upload-file "C://NIAM_User_Export1.csv" 

     Still, I am getting 204 status code, but file still not getting uploaded at the Anaplan. Please help. Can you share the code you have written in JAVA so that I can correlate?

  • Assuming your file and its content are not sensitive, can you share the structure and content of the file.


    also, how are you authenticating? Id and Pass or Cert? 


    I can try and re-create your usecase and share the code for the upload.


    fyi, the correct response code is 204.


    How are you validating that the file was uploaded? did you try to re-download the file or run an import to load the data?

  • @damianshameer2 

    Please find the attached file.
    I am authenticating via basic authentication (credentials).
    I tried importing the file by running import action, but still no luck. 


    It would be great help if you can try and re-create your use case and share the code for the upload. Thanks in advance.

  • OK. I will take a look. I will try to send you a fully working class. I'll update the post shortly 

  • Hi @damianshameer2 

    The original problem persists, but I checked for something else.

    I tried to GET the file content by the below url of Anaplan API.


    And to my wonder, I am exactly getting the data that I uploaded via REST API (PUT). 


    I am not sure what is happening here. Please advise. Thanks!!


  • Ok. I can think of a few things:

    1. Data Source setup (mentioned this in the previous post). If this is not done correctly then the file may not get written on the platform
    2. While the response code is 204, the file may not actually be written on the server

    I have an example that upload data, import, export and assert....I need to refactor this a bit before I can share it..below is a description of how this works




  • I have created a working example...just finished it. i need to document it and upload here...should be ready in a few hours

  • Thanks @damianshameer2 !! It will be really helpful. 🙂
  • I've created a working sample to show how to upload data to anaplan via the Rest API.


    I've attached 2 PDFs with instructions on how to setup the list in Anaplan and how to configure the java code


    The example I have written uploads a simple file and import the data int a list...This can be scaled to upload and import more complex data.


    See the API setup pdf with instructions to setup the sample code (later I will add this to **** for easier usage). 


    The java code leverages Apache HTTP Client ( ApacheClientExternal.java)....This needs some clean up as it has some redundant code but everything works. I don't use Apache HTTP Client in PROD so this was put together only for this demo.


    PS. rename all text files to .java


  • @CommunityMember128681 


    Did you try this? Did the example run? 

  • Hi @damianshameer2 ,
    I didn't get time for working on this. I will try this today. Sorry for the late response.