Migration to new SKU code


Hi All,


One of my client is under IT systems restructuring and migrating to new ERP system. Because of that the SKU codes for ~6000 SKUs will change to 18 digit in a couple of month. In Anaplan we currently have old codes for SKU and there is another numbered list of SKU-Customer combination code of around ~100000. 


What is the best way to undertake such kind of migration to new codes without losing the data we currently have.It is important to note that there is some data which is manually entered against an SKU and client wants to retain that information when migrating to new codes


Thanks in advance


Best Answer


  • @GauravT 


    Reponse given by @a.dilieto  should work. Great @a.dilieto . 


    Few things I would like to highlight although they are obvious in this case: 

    1. Names of the SKU's don't change during the transition

    2. Here it was shown adding preceding zeroes' to the codes but you may have codes which are not formed like that. So you may want to pass an attribute of New Code along with Previous Code. But the overall process remains same





  • Hi @a.dilieto ,


    It worked like a charm. For numbered list you can't select name for unique identifier but I selected uniquely identified by combination of properties and then Display Name and it worked without any issues. Thanks a lot.