Working with Anaplan’s New User Experience

In this comprehensive course, you will learn the basic procedures for using and building with Anaplan’s New User Experience (New UX). After an introduction to the New UX, you will select your role as an end user or a page builder and complete lessons relevant to your role. 

At the end of the course, learners can complete additional practice exercises to create live pages in the New UX.

Course Objectives: By the end of this course, all learners will be able to:

  • Use New UX pages to view organizational performance data and complete planning activities.
  • Navigate within the New UX.
  • Describe the New UX using its specific terminology. 
  • Design and create pages in the New UX for organization-wide and/or personal use.
  • Populate pages with data, visualizations, and navigation links. 

In addition, those completing the page builder path will be able to

  • Create apps and organize pages within them for use throughout the organization.

This course will take approximately:

  • 90 minutes.
  • 1 – 2 hours for additional live practice in the New UX.  

If you haven't already done so, set up your account in the Anaplan Learning Center before accessing this eLearning course.

Customers and Partners: Start the course here.

Anaplan Employees: Log in to the Learning Center via Okta and launch the course from your dashboard.


  • Very helpful for learning how to build out using existing views and developing best practices for the new UX. 

  • Where is the Build Guide that is mentioned at the end of the training video ?

  • The Build Guide is accessible under the Resources tab from within the training itself. Just expand the menu on the left to see the Resources tab.

  • is it possible to add feature "autofocus" design while creation form in new UX 

  • I am working on Supply Chain related data hub and wanted to use new UX to provide access to data admins. However i dont have the page builder access. While i can create my pages, it is more ideal to have page builder access to create an actual app on DH. Can you please suggest on how to go about doing this?

  • While building pages through "My pages" is simple and intuitive it has limited features compared to building an app which is a little tricky.Also, new UX training videos are not streaming.

  • Do we have a refreshed version of this course that probably has the new features and the previously highlighted drawback fixes mentioned?