Copy Module Glitch - Ratios Reset

Hey community members,

Our team discovered a potentially huge glitch in Anaplan this afternoon, and we are wondering if anyone else has experienced something similar.

We have a module that uses Ratio as a summary method on a couple line items, and after we copied this module to build out a separate part of the model, we noticed that all of our ratio settings were changed! See below for the steps on how to create the glitch, as well as before and after images of our ratio settings:

Initial Ratio = Facility Value / Facility Count


Original module is copied


Ratio in the new module is correct


Ratio in the original module has been changed due to glitch


Curious if anyone else has experienced this, and if it's a known issue that Anaplan is working on.







  • Hi David,


    I did some testing and the behaviour is definitely weird

    I created a copy of a module called "Closed Won by Account" with a line item which had ratio summary (line item Data divided by line item Value)


    Summary dictionary of "Closed Won by Account" before module copy:



    Summary dictionary of "Closed Won by Account" after module copy - this is probably the bug here

    {"summaryMethod":"RATIO","timeSummaryMethod":"RATIO","timeSummarySameAsMainSummary":true,"ratioNumeratorIdentifier":"'Closed Won by Account - Copy'.Data","ratioDenominatorIdentifier":"'Closed Won by Account - Copy'.'Value'"}


    Summary dictionary of "Closed Won by Account - Copy" - seems perfectly fine



    Surprisingly, even after deleting the copied module, the summary dictionary seems to refer to it


    {"summaryMethod":"RATIO","timeSummaryMethod":"RATIO","timeSummarySameAsMainSummary":true,"ratioNumeratorIdentifier":"'Closed Won by Account - Copy'.Data","ratioDenominatorIdentifier":"'Closed Won by Account - Copy'.'1'"}



    In my case, while the summary ratio popup is showing an incorrect setting of Data/Data


    The calculation is still happening correctly; ie. Data/Value. This is probably why this issue has gone unnoticed till now!


    So while this is definitely not supposed to happen, looks like it does not affect calculations. It will affect calculations if someone views the line item summary setting and clicks the OK button instead of the Cancel button


    Have you raised this with the support team? Do keep us updated on the status of the issue


