User Filter Filtering


Hi Guys 


I have been trying to solve this issue and having no luck. Reaching out if anyone had a similar issue and was able to solve it with clever tricks 


Module 1:- dimensioned by the user ( native user list)



A user enters no of lines as a numeric value 


Module 2 :- Dimenshioned by List 1 and List 2. Please note that this is not dimensioned by user list




List 2 has items numbers 1 - 15 


Question :- I want to filter this module based on the number of line entered by user in module 1 . In my show ( boolean) i have a simple formula . Show is dimensioned by List 2 and users ( native)

if value(name(item)) >= of lines then true else false




I cannot dimension module 2 by user 

I would like to avoid FAKE user list 


Does anyone has a clever way of acheiving this ?





Best Answer

  • jasonblinn



    Here is my module 1 per your description. A number of lines can be entered by each user.



    In Module 2 I have List 1 as a page selector, and List 2 (which goes from 1-20 in my case).

    I have 2 line items here. 1 is just an arbitrary line item the user can input into, the other is a filter.



    in the filter line item, I have it dimensionalized by 1-20 list and users. the filter here is just as you described, saying that it's true if the number is less than or equal to the number input into module 1.


    From there, you can apply a filter to your module and select "Users -- Current User--"



    I think this achieves your question.



    Hope this helps!






  • @karank 

    I'm pretty sure you can't accomplish this in a separate module because there's no way to look up the current user. BUT, in the same module that  you collect the line count, you can add the rest of the logic you're looking for. Hopefully this is acceptable since you're going to collect it by user anyway. You'll have to use subsidiary views though.


    I select 12, I get 12 lines


    I select 10, I get 10 lines.



  • Yep this works thanks
  • Thanks @JaredDolich this works as well

  • @karank @jasonblinn That was fun. Another!

    I actually like @jasonblinn solution. Cleaner and is closer to what you asked. Didn't think to use the subsidiary view in the second module! Very clever.