Understanding Tenant Admin and User Roles
Anaplan allows for multiple tenants (also known as Customer) across the enterprise to set up new environments quickly and efficiently. Below is a high-level visualization of the different roles and processes that need to take place in order for your workspace to be successful. 01: Workspace Creation Anaplan Support creates…
Writing Your Project Manifesto
What is a manifesto? The manifesto is your chance to get your team in alignment and focused on the goal of your Anaplan deployment. You will write a few short paragraphs that will define your project goal. The manifesto should be clear, concise, and focused on the overall deployment goal. Creating a manifesto early in the…
Learn Anaplan best practices
Your Anaplan journey is an evolving path filled with new product updates, innovative processes, and increasing business value. Along the way, you’ll surely face some challenges, but there’s no planning that cannot be connected as long as you have an adaptable strategy and knowledge of the right Anaplan best practices.…
Engaging with Anaplan Community
The Anaplan Community, the place where Anaplan users go to find answers, share solutions, and connect with other business planning leaders from around the world. As you are getting started with Anaplan, we’ve laid out a roadmap of helpful resources in Community. Blogs and Best Practices The Community Blog features articles…
Identify Model Builders
Our customers that realize the most value from their Anaplan investment the fastest are those who take their Connected Planning journey into their own hands. That is why it is critical for your success to identify as many Anaplan Model Builders as possible, ideally located within each of the teams that directly use and…
Anaplan Learning Paths
Please note: we are currently updating this page/materials and some links are out of date. Please visit our Certification Path page for information about Anaplan Learning Paths. Thank you! …….. We’ve outlined the path you need to take to go from beginner to expert – or anything in between! Start with a basic introduction…
Highlighting Key Essentials Modules
The purpose of Anaplan Essentials is to provide you with an understanding of Anaplan’s history, our values, and the product over 12 micro learnings (2-15 min each). We recommend completing all of the lessons at your own pace to gain a deeper understanding of Anaplan, but know that it is a 3-hour time commitment. That’s why…
Becoming a Certified Model Builder
We’ve added a few stops along your journey with Anaplan to ensure that you gain the skills and capabilities needed to be successful. Whether you are completing an implementation with your account team or simply interested in up-leveling your marketability in the connected planning space, one important milestone is to…
Keep Up to Date with Platform Releases
Get all the latest news and updates regarding the Anaplan Platform The Anaplan platform is constantly evolving, with regular releases that include many new features: Releases: This area houses all of our exciting product release announcements and also contains notes outlining the features that were added to Anaplan during…
Complete your Anaplan.com Registration
Completing Your Anaplan Account Registration If you have received an email from Anaplan (no-reply@anaplan.com) to confirm that your account is active, do the following to complete your Anaplan.com registration. * From within the email, click Complete your registration. * Once on the Anaplan site, enter a password.…
Data integration basics
How to prepare your data There are many ways to get data in and out of Anaplan; some more involved than others. In our experience, starting simple is the best approach. Here are some guidelines to keep in mind as you evaluate the steps you will take to manage and prepare the data for the integration process: * Assign…
Single sign-on (SSO)
Do you want to retain total control of your users through a centrally managed system? Anaplan single sign-on (SSO) gives you the ability to place user authentication entirely under your control. This allows Anaplan users to navigate to a dedicated web page and access the model directly rather than entering a user name and…
Understanding project team roles
Anaplan account teams are responsible for ensuring you – our customer - are maximizing value from your Anaplan investment. As you embark on your first implementation and beyond, your account team is there to support you every step of the way. Anaplan Account Team Anaplan Account TeamGet to know more about how each role in…
Expanding your internal Anaplan Competency (Center of Excellence)
Learn more about the Center of Excellence (CoE) possibilities from two of Anaplan's experts through the video below. For individual articles on CoE including a description, possible structures, and more examples, click here.
Discover the Anaplan Way project methodology
What is The Anaplan Way? The Anaplan Way (TAW) is our tried and true project management methodology that has proven successful over hundreds of project implementations and across lines of business and industries. This methodology ensures a successful deployment of the Anaplan platform, delivers transparency during each…
The Importance of User Acceptance Testing (UAT)
User Acceptance Testing (UAT) is the last stage of a system implementation and a critical component for a successful implementation. You don’t want to skip this step or take shortcuts. Without UAT, it is not possible to fully validate that the system is functioning per the expectations of your end users, and you needlessly…
Maximize ROI with Anaplan
As with any enterprise software implementation, you are investing in Anaplan to resolve specific challenges and deliver value for your business. In order to prove the investment was worthwhile, you need to measure your return on investment, or ROI. ROI is a common metric used in finance for evaluating, approving, and…
Staying Aware of Platform Updates and Scheduled Downtimes
We’re constantly working to enhance your Anaplan experience. Thanks to your feedback about Anaplan and your ideas on how to make it better for you. We regularly update the platform with new enhancements to make your life easier. Stay up to date with the enhancements to Anaplan by: * Subscribing to the Platform Releases…
Lessons Learned - Working with a Partner
I recently joined Anaplan from one of its larger software customers. I was a 2-year veteran of the Anaplan software when I came on board, having led the implementation of Anaplan at the customer. In the 2 years with my prior company, I worked with a highly productive, self-sufficient team. I helped champion the development…
The Importance of Change Management
What is Change Management? Change management takes care of the people side of change. It's counterproductive to design new work processes or implement new technologies if you leave the people behind. The success of these changes will be more dependent on how individuals in the organization embrace the change than how well…