Level 2 Model Building Month and Year Lookup DEM02


Hey All,


I'm stuck on the level 2 model building on what appears to be a simple lookup that for some reason is posting back NULL.  It is asking me to take the monthly rate of growth from one model which is in a monthly time scale and apply it to another module which is in weekly time scale.  The ask is that each week should show the monthly rate of growth from the monthly model.  That is, if January is 4% rate of growth in model 1, then every week that is in January in model 2 should show 4% as well.


To achieve this, in model 1 and 2 I added 3 line items: Period Start Date "Start()", Month "Month(Period Start Date" & Year "Year(Period Start Date)"


The growth %'s were imported into model 1 earlier, so the result in model one is that each product and period shows the growth %, month number and year number.


In model 2, I did the following formula: 'DEM01 Volume Growth Rates'.Growth %[LOOKUP: 'DEM01 Volume Growth Rates'.Month, LOOKUP: 'DEM01 Volume Growth Rates'.Year]


I want to pull the growth rate for the weekly periods based on the Month and Year in model 1.  This is returning a null value.  What am I doing wrong?  I'm an excel builder so am I just structuring this wrong?

I've attached screenshots of both
