15.2.1 Adding a Role, Knowledge Check Question 2

Hey there,

  In the Level 1 training, "15.2.1 Adding a Role, "Knowledge Check Question 2.


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CleanShot 2021-08-20 at 13.35.45@2x.png


The answer states: "The None permission should be used for the Price Book module, HR Manager role.", however since The HR Manager should have the ability to view and write to the module, how could the permission be set to "none"? Can someone explain this?


  • @bowlingwebwildflower 


    You have to read that statement in context to the module being defined.


    HR manager role: Is defined by having read and write acess to Employee data and not Price Book Module. Price book will hold the price attributes of products and has nothing to do with employees data. Hence HR role should have None access to Price book module.


    Hope that helps
