3.3.12 Activity: Create Product Replenishment UX Page

I am having an issue setting up the filter for the UX.

In the INV01 grid I tried having it display based on:

SYS00 Time Settings by Month, which then only displayed the monthly summaries. 

SYS01 Time Settings by Week, which then only displayed the weekly entries and ignored the monthly filter. 

SYS00 AND SYS01, which didn't display anything, despite both conditions being met (=true).


EDIT: even more bizarrely, if I filter the chart with the same SYS00 Time Settings by Month as the grid, it's  completely blank, even though there are monthly values for those line items.


EDIT 2: using SYS00 AND SYS01,I changed the sum on the weekly filter to "any" and no the monthly values display, but not the weekly ones.


EDIT 3: I tried a formula in the weekly filter: 

IF 'SYS00 Time Settings by Month'.Planning Period Filter THEN TRUE ELSE FALSE

But although the system accepted it, the weekly values are not changing to true when the months are true.



  • @jadefortunato 

    In classic, you'll create a saved view. Remember, anything in the columns will be the "x" axis for line and column charts.


    Use SYS01 Weeks Only but use the MONTHVALUE function



  • You know what I realized looking at all the line items you have that I don't?


    The previous activity, 3.3.11 didn't load all the way when I looked at it and I didn't notice it didn't load properly.


    As a result I missed the creation of the filters entirely, and just made them based on 3.3.12. 


    No wonder I'm losing my mind. 



  • @jadefortunato 

    Awesome. Don't forget to mark this post as solved if you feel it helped. You got this!