Beginning Inventory

I used the below formula for beginning Inventory , I just checked that I am getting values only for week 1 and not the other weeks , can anyone help me with what am I missing in this so that I can get data in other weeks as well.




  • @Yash06 


    Apply the formula in Ending Inventory and then check the results. Because Beginning Inventory is dependent on Ending Inventory.


    Hope that helps


    Miz Logix

  • @Misbah Applied the formula getting the same values which are in Beginning Inventory
    What should I do ?


  • @Yash06 

    You should attach a screenshot of your module so that we can see what formula have you applied and what numbers do you see



    Miz Logix

  • Hey Misbah ,
    thanks for the guidance but I was able to calculate Ending Inventory and the Begging inventory values Later in the training.