L2 Different line items in SYS01 Time Settings by week


I am struggling with SYS01 Time Settings Module because I have different line items. Here is my Module :


According to instructions I have 'First Week of Time Scale' and others..I remember that I downloaded whole Supply Chain model in once. Is there a lesson that we made changes on SYS modules?

How is possible if I made this wrong all along and passed all exams till now? 

Please urgent help!







  • I am on Level 2 Activity Inventory Ordering Module Formulas
  • @Muhammed 

    Good news for you, my friend. This is an easy fix. You can either leave this line item editable and check the first week of the year, or use a formula: OFFSET(1, -1, 0) = 0. This formula will only be true on the first week.

    And, don't worry about your understanding of Level 2 system modules. Level 1 was an introduction. Level 2 will force you to really think about it. Best course IMHO. Even better than Level 3 as far as modeling is concerned.

    You can check your answers here:



  • Thank you Jared, most appreciated! Have a nice weekend!