Level 2 Sprint 3 activity 3.4 & 3.5

So while creating these UX pages I noticed my conditional formatting and and my chart as well is starting from week 5 onwards and not from week 1 , I don't understand the reason behind this , can someone explain , what I might be doing wrong .






  • @Yash06 


    There might be an option in the chart which says Plot Trailing Zeroes. Enable that and see if that helps



    Miz Logix

  • Hey @Misbah 
    I tried that as well , but as you can see even in the grids even though conditional formatting rules are being met still, conditional formatting is starting from week 5 onwards and not for the first 4 weeks 

  • Hi @Yash06 ,


    Could you post screenshots of formulas and line items that you have for the conditional formatting. 


    Best regards,

    Pyry Peura