Level 3 Exam 1 - Confirm Account>Product relationships

I am beginning Exam 1 of the Level 3 training. I have imported the new/updated 2019 actuals. I am on bullet #3 and the two examples of confirming the Account>Product relationships DO NOT EXIST in my model.

I found the file used to load file from the Level 2 exam. I have reviewed it and there are no SKU's that have volume for Candy Storezio (A006) for the Nougats-N-Cream product family (P005**) or the Nougatacious product family (P006**).

I am supposed to manually set some data so that these will be linked?

Do I have an out-of-date file? If so, can I get a current file (Historic+Volumes.csv).


I'm not sure where to go from here.






  • Hey @Alenart ,


    I had a similar issue during my exam. What I've done to solve it, I cleared all the items and reloaded all the data according to their instructions and it worked out for me.


    Hope this helps!


    Kind regards,


  • Costa,


    Thanks for your response.

    What do you mean by "reload"? 

    Looking at the actions in the Data Hub, the data that creates the Product/Account pairings is the Historic+Volumes file. The pairings noted are related to Candy Storezio, which is A006. The two products are Nougats-N-Cream and Nougatacious - codes P005 & P006. When I filter the Historic+Volumes file I have by Account A006 there are no P005* or P006* SKUs. Therefore the linkage between the two will not be made.

    Is it possible that I have a bad Historic+Volumes file? Any chance that you could save yours on this forum so I could compare?

    I have been finished with the work for 1 1/2 weeks and I would really like to finish the exam.



  • Hi Alenart, 

    I am facing exactly this same issue and unable to proceed for the exam. 

    By any chance did you get the latest file to establish relation between Candy Storezio and two products? If yes, could you please share the same?


