Anaplan Formulae - Repeating sequence of numbers across Timescale


Im creating a Rostering model in which I need to do the following:


1. In a module contain all employee information i.e.. start dates, shift pattern category, etc

2. Module containg a shift pattern profile i.e. for shift pattern A = 2 days on 2 days off, Shift Pattern b = 5 days on 2 days off

3. Module with timescale(day) for a given employee flag celss across a continuous timescale with a line item formatted with a Boolean tick box to tick the patterns for an employee based on the Shift Pattern Module.


Maybe a combination of Post or lag formulaes. Any Ideas for a solution.



Best Answer


  • Hi,


    One way to do this is as follow:


    and the blue print:

    shift pattern blueprint.PNG

    In this case I've used hard coded parameters for shift and rest days, you should link them to your data.

    As you can see, I'm using the MOD function to divide the counter (that should start from start date for you) which give the start of the shift. Then you can use the spread formula to equally divide the shift time over the number of period (shift length).

  • tried the solution and still get the error 

    1. wanting to achieve a pattern over the last 56 periods then repeat pattern over the next 56 periods , the value is a List formatted item 

  • not sure I understand you. I'm looking at the example I made and it works far beyond the 56 periods, it works accross fiscal years as well.

    Also, if I changed to 56/56, it works.