Circulation reference


Unlike Excel, circulation reference is recognized based on Line item. Is there any solutions to resolve this problem?


  • Hi Eujin
    Can you please give more details into the error you are facing? Because, in general, Anaplan would error out when there is a circular reference in the lineitem formula.

  • Hello!

    Thank you.
    When I'd like to calculate actual ratio and forecast ratio by using statistics, I faced circulation reference problem.

    For Example, There is 3 line item.

    * Line Item
    1. payment(a) : actual data only
    2. Gross earned premium(b) : actual data only
    3. payment ratio((a)/(b)) : actual and forecast
    4. switching date : 2016-5-1
    5. Current period : Apr 2016

    * Condition 
    1. Actual Period - Jan 2013 ~ Apr 2016 / Forecast Period - May 2016 ~ Dec 2020
    2. forecast figure of payment ratio is average of actual payment ratio between Jan 2015 to Apr 2016

    Under this condition,
    For payment ratio line item, I want to use like this.
    IF START() < switching date then payment ratio((a)/(b)) else timesum(payment ratio((a)/(b)),-15,0,Average)

    However this logic is not possible in ANAPLAN.
    Therefore I solve this problem to add line item like below.

    1. payment(a) : actual data only
    2. Gross earned premium(b) : actual data only
    3. payment ratio((a)/(b)- actual) : actual
    4. payment ratio((a)/(b)- actual and forecast) : actual and forecast

    However IF there is more simple way to solve this problem, I'd like to try it.
    Because For Using ANAPLAN, I have to set up lots of logics so Adding line item method looks complex.

    My explanation is not unclear, please let me know.

    Thank you.
