Data import with non-numeric values


While importing data from one module to another, one of the fields "currency" is non-numeric.


For example, we will have the following records:

Product A, Customer B, 02/2020, 1000, GBP

Product A, Customer B, 03/2020, 2000, USD


In the case above, the data values are loaded correctly to both months, but only the first occurrence of currency is loaded. The second record will also be shown as GBP in the database. Is there an easy solution for this?  Thank you!


  • Hi - Have you tried introducing currency as a dimension in the target module?  It looks as if it is ignoring it because the mapping is based off uniqueness of product/customer/time intersections whereas currency is being used as a property.

  • You have not mentioned the source and target dimensions. I am thinking the target is lacking a dimension.




  • @lilasququ 

    where are you trying to store the values GBP and USD? Are they also in a module by time?

    Also, if you are not already, it would be better to create a unique key of Product>Customer>Currency and then bring the values in to a module dimensioned by that list, then bring the data values in to the module by month

    See this article for an example of how to stage data in the most efficient way
