Do not have permission to perform an action on item selected




I created a Create button titled "Create New FY20 Sales Title" in this dashboard. This action will be performed by our Sales Ops Admin. I've given this user access to the button and the two lists: "Staging All New Sales Titles", and "STAGING - New Sales Title FY20" which is the list this is being created in, and the module associated with it. It's giving me this error when testing and I can't figure out why when I've given all required access to all the lists and module for it. Any ideas?






Best Answer


  • Hey,

    Since you mentioned that required access is provided to all the list and modules 

    1. Check for the model role assigned to you
    2. Check the Roles->Action tab whether the Action & process are ticked for the user role assigned


    Hope it helps.





  • aabalos



    I tested by assigning myself the Sales Ops Admin role and i also checked the Create actions in the Roles -> actions tab and it still doesnt work when I switched my role in our production model. When i tested by switching my role in our dev model, it works. I'm not sure what im missing. 


  • aabalos

    Wow thanks! Changing all the appropriate lists to production data worked! 🙂 

  • Always happy to help @aabalos! I hope the rest of the work goes well for you!