Excel Add-in v3.2 - Boolean values


Hi all,


I am having an issue that seems to be a result of the new v3.2 add-in update.


Previously, where boolean values were being pulled from the excel add-in, excel would automatically recognise them as general formatting and they would be activated and process the cell as a boolean.


Now it seems the values are being imported with a number formatting. Whilst I can change the formatting of the column of data to general and save the setting in the excel add-in, it will not activate and process the cell as a boolean until it is manually activated (i.e. I click into the cell and hit enter or run a text to columns)


Can we fix this/is there a way to quickly transform this to the way it was before?


  • Hi @CallumW 


    I am using excel add-in 3.2 versions, recently downloaded.

    If I understood your question correctly, you are telling that you are getting Number instead of Boolean value.


    I tried your scenario, I am getting boolean value correctly.



    Not sure where is the issue, please try uninstall and install it back. 



    Vignesh M

  • Hi @VIGNESH.M 


    I am getting a boolean value through correctly, but excel now formats the cells as a number rather than as general when it is pulled from Anaplan as it previously did in v.3.1





  • Hi callum,

    Sorry, I misunderstood the question.

    Yes , Am also getting it as Number instead General.
    Please raise a ticket to Anaplan support, they will help you with more detail.

    ~Vignesh M