Have a formula differ within different organizational tabs of same module?


I have a simple sources and uses of cash model (in a single module) that reflects different legal entities, each which consists of multiple countries. I have some line items pertaining to intercompany transfers and am struggling with how to configure them; if I am on the USA entity's organizational tab and want to create a line item "transfers in from Africa entity" and set it equal to the line item on the Africa organization tab "transfers out to USA entity", how would I do this? Is it possible to have formulas within a single module differ between organizational tabs or would I have to break the module up into multiple modules to do so?


Best Answer

  • PrevContributor
     Is it possible to have formulas within a single module differ between organizational tabs or would I have to break the module up into multiple modules to do so?
    You can create formulas only in line items, but you can use conditional statements to recognise list items and 'SELECT' to only return a single item from a list.

    Maybe need some further detail,  would you have:

    Line item on the Africa organization tab "transfers out to USA entity" as Data Entry
    Line item "transfers in from Africa entity" as Data Entry = IF Item(Entity) = Entity.USA THEN transfers out to USA entity[SELECT: Entity.Africa]