How to populate a boolean to child list




I'm working with 2 list with ("Product Family" and "Products"), and "Product Family" is parent of "Products".


In my list "Product Family", I have a Boolean "Forecasted Family" used to know if the family need a forecast. I want to have the same boolean in my "Products" list, based on the value defined in the "Product Family".


How can I link both list to have an automatic population of the boolean value from the parent list to the child list ?


In advance, thanks for your help,







    The formula might end up looking something like:  Product Family.Forecasted Family[Lookup: Parent_Item]


    Where Parent_Item is a separate list property or module line item formatted to the Product Family list and contains a formula something like:  Parent(Item(Products))



  • Can I also add the recommendation to add a Product Properties module in case you need to do similar lookups or need to  refer to items or parents elsewhere in the model.

    Here's an example:
    product properties.png

    You can then refer to this in another module in a boolean dimensioned by Products with:
    Product Family.Forecasted Family[LOOKUP: Product Properties.Product Family]