Synchronised paging across multiple dashboards


This may be a very simple question so apologies if it is!  I have two tables on a dashboard that I want to be synchronised therefore I have synchronised paging checked, however, this also seems to synchronise it to another dashboard if I have both open and change that.  Is there a way to enable synchronised paging within one dashboard but not across multiple dashboards?  I've tried a couple of different combinations of ticking and unticking but not managed to do what I would like to yet.  Thanks!



  • Hi Sally,


    Currently, there is no way to enable synchronised paging within one dashboard but not across multiple dashboards.  If the dimensions are shared across multiple dashboards, and the sync is turned on for those multiple dashboards, each dashboard that is open and used will update the other dashboard selections.




  • Sally

    Ok, thanks Alec!

  • Joe

    Thanks, @alec_judd!