Synchronized Paging for 2 same dashboards with 2 page selectors (Scenario comparison)


I am trying to compare 2 scenarios in a dashboard. For that, i need 2 sets of same models ( Revenue, Expenses , P&L models ) side by side in a dashboard. If i select a scenario, i want a synchronized selection for all 3 modules (expense, revenue, p&l) on the left side (which i can do by selecting checkbox for synchronized paging), but i want another scenario page selection for right side modules. I am not able to set up two different page selectors for scenario dimension, one for the left side of modules and one for the right. 


Anaplan newbee here, sorry if i didn't use the right terminology. 



  • Hi Sundeep,


    You can create a module with 2 line items. Base Scenario and Compare Scenario. These line items in the new module should be formatted as list items pointing to a Scenario and these can be published to a dashboard as “selected line items”. This can be used for filtering or synchronization.


    Once this is done create 2 copies of the modules you want to publish to the dashboard (Revenue, Expenses, PL etc.,) Add a line item in one copy and point it to the Base Scenario from the module above. The second copy will have the Compare Scenario from the module above as well. Within both the copies you can now add all the line items that you wanted to see in your dashboard from you original module but just add a lookup to lookup the Base Scenario in the first copy and the Compare Scenario in the second copy. 


    This is will create a module that contains only Base Scenario Data and a module which contains Compare Scenario Data. You can publish these copies to the Dashboard.


    Now when you change the filters you published initially to the Dashboard in the first step. As soon as these change the Scenarios in the Base and Compare modules will change as well, this will change the Lookup function in these modules giving us a new Base Scenario and a new Compare Scenario to analyze.


    Hope this helps. Best of luck! 




  • SR
    Awesome, Thanks!
  • This is an awesome solution;  I'm trying to set the "Prior Forecast" column to an related forecast such as the April 2018 as the company did a major overhaul of this year's budget.   The 2 module solution is logical but how can I do a simple variance analysis in the dashboard?   Would appreciate any further guidance, thanks Anaplanners!