



Please could you help me understand which setting i have incorrectly which is populating my actuals in advance in image 1? Image 2 is correct.








  • Check if your switchover is at Sep 21. Switchover settings are located in versions settings

  • lcapon_0-1629984778940.png


  • @lcapon 


    Are you using IF ELSE statements on TIME dimension? If so then it is worth taking a look at



  • @KirillKuznetsov 


    Switchover doesn't apply to Actuals. Its the other way around - copying data from Actuals to any other Version member



  • Sorry, i read your image incorrectly. Could you please show the formula?
  • Thanks - the IF statements in place are an exact replica in both screen shots.


    I dont know what else is driving this.

  • You are correct, I didn't see the page selector value
  • Are you refering to this section?




  • @lcapon 


    No, Go to Module blueprint mode and share the formula that is being used in the line item. You don't need to share the numbers related to it - just the formula will be enough



  • lcapon_0-1629987378219.png

    FTE - IF Current Employee THEN 'ES005 Employee Details'.FTE ELSE 0

    Mat Leave - IF 'ES005 Employee Details'.'Maternity/Long Term Sick Start' <= END() AND 'ES005 Employee Details'.'Maternity/Long Term Sick End' >= START() THEN 'ES005 Employee Details'.FTE ELSE 0

    Head Count - IF Current Employee THEN 1 ELSE 0

    Mat Leave Head Count - IF 'ES005 Employee Details'.'Maternity/Long Term Sick Start' <= END() AND 'ES005 Employee Details'.'Maternity/Long Term Sick End' >= START() THEN 1 ELSE 0

    Vehicle Allocation - IF 'ES005 Employee Details'.'Car/Van Allocation' THEN 1 * Head Count ELSE 0

  • @lcapon 


    Which specific line item were you looking at when you posted the query?