Adjust Column Width - New UX




We need the ability to adjust column width in New UX. It is difficult to accommodate the financial numbers within the cell without expanding the column width which is a cumbersome process on the entire time horizon. This feature was available in Classic Dashboard. Please suggest some alternative methods to adjust column width in New UX.




  • A) You can shrink the y-axis column if the names of this dimension allow you.
    B) Different zoom settings for your browser page with Anaplan
    C) Remove $ sign from cells formatting and put it in card description or a line item.
    D) Use Worksheet instead of the Board for detailed view
    E) Ask users to use Maximize (top-right corner of the card)


    What you are able in New UX is also to save a published grid as Template for the same module and re-use it in multiple pages.

    However, it is true: in New UX it is not possible to setup the default width of the columns (at least not currently).. you need to do it column per column manually. 


    And next.. you can follow to @KirillKuznetsov suggestions. 



  • @NilanjanDutta 

    I would recommend you to raise this request on Idea Exchange page if it's not raised yet. This may speed up the process of implementation of this case.