Anaplan Connect with Snowflake & Public/Private Key


I am attempting to utilize Anaplan Connect to move data from Snowflake into Anaplan. In order to work with our snowflake setup, I need to use a public/private key pairing as opposed to a snowflake username/password. I have been told the most recent version of connect (3.0.0) does not work without these fields and that an older version (like 1.4.4) may. However, when I utilize Anaplan Connect 1.4.4 I am still erroring out on my snowflake connection. Help! 


  • anirudh

    Hi kjochim,

    Can you first validate that you can correctly connect to snowflake using JDBC? It might help to review Snowflake documentation and correctly connect to Snowflake before copying over the same parameters into the Anaplan connect batch script