Anaplan Data Integration options for Oracle as source

Hi - One of the challenges i often face while talking to clients is around the data integration options with Anaplan. What are some of the popular options to import actual data into anaplan from source systems. I am interested know about over and above the anaplan connect or flat file upload options. Is hyperconnect being used widely or most implementations and still using flat file based uploads. Thanks


  • Ravi,


    Informatica is certainly an option, however an really good alternative to consider is OneCloud, they have a number of Oracle connectors and their solution is more user friendly than Informatica (from my experience).



    If you want to go down the direct API route another consideration is to use Oracle cloud integration services and build a custom connector using the Anaplan REST api. I have no direct experience of this but it may be an option if you have the resources in this area.



  • If your client have dedicated engineers or a few folks tech folks then consider building out your own custom integration via the available REST API


    Most of the third party solutions (one cloud, mule soft, etc ) all implement the core REST API behind the scene. 


    Even the Anaplan connector rely on the same REST APIs available but comes prepackage for easy usage