Customer Potential Assumptions


Currently we are prorating the stretch goal based on the customer's PY actual % share/ Overriding accounts where needed, is there any other factor which we need to put in our assumptions to determine the growth potential of the customer within the model or would it be out of model and used through hold and/ or overrides?

Best Answer

  • JaredDolich


    I think I understand your question but before I launch into a longer answer, just wanted to ask if this is a question related to the Level 3 modeling process? If so, you'll want to ask the question here, on the stakeholder forum, so the "business user" can answer this. I think if you scroll through the other questions asked you'll find it's been answered (hint: I think I asked the same question).

    If this is for a real customer, I'll help you out.


  • Hi Jared,

    Yes, this is for the model build for Level 3. I believe for a real customer, I would certainly like to add details about other initiatives that we should rey on determining the growth potential by country/region/sub region based on organizations drivers (marketing efforts, campaigns, industry growth, etc.)

    Thanks again for the response.
