Data error


1660015815583116742958052105427.jpg the above image is in the lesson which we have to do


Thsi image 16600159757324650380939427280300.jpg

The above image is what i have done after applying all formula and thus table matches the first table of first image but as soon as i made summary changes all value i get are wrong when i choose for the All products in page selector . The data i get is



  • Hello its not the data error you have to put the formulas to get the data please check the next lession where you find the guide that you should follow to write the formula 




  • Brj73

    Where to put formula i have already made the formula in the INV01 Inventory ordering

    And i error again i am facing is i have used formula for TRA01 shipping metrics by week but it is not showing data populated but when i close the screen it shows and then again disappears from there



  • Please share the screenshot of what formulas you have been putted for those line items

  • Brj73


  • please apply this formula 

    YEARVALUE('DAT02 Shipping Metrics'.'Cost per 1000 Units')

    to the cost per 1000 units line item

    then see weather you' re  getting the right values

  • Brj73

     yes i got the values but when i closed the module and then again open that module no value was there what kind of problem is this?


  • change it from all products to any particular product and save the module so from next time you open the how you saved the module like it will be displayed 

  • Brj73

    Okay but what about error in INV01 Inventory ordering module i said at at the beginning

  • please check the summary of all line items and referred module line items 

  • Brj73


     summary is correct 

    As shown in the lesson data matches for Nuzto Bar_En bit when i select All Product data does not matches as shown in lesson