Define Multi Dimensional Level Payout grid

I have a scenario where i have to calculate the commission based on multi level payout grid.


Input : End user will be able to define payout grid at any level of dimension by month on month , based on that particular month payout structure.

 Ex : April month Applicability of Payout at 2 level of list i.e A,B. Assuming Each List have two children - A -> A1,A2  , B -> B1,B2.


April Month Payout grid :


50K -1 Lakhs15.00%15.00%15.00%15.00%


Data and Calculation

 ABCAmountpayout %
Invoice 1A1B2C140000


invoice 2A1B1C16000015%


For may month , C list can be added in payout grid , so accordingly need to define payout grid. 

how can we resolve this problem in anaplan , to provide multilevel dimensional module to capture the payout % by month on month.



  • Yep,

    Great question @Shubham0012 . Rather than reproduce the steps here, I have two articles that might be useful.

    1. I recently wrote a best practice on Tier Pricing which uses the same logic you need.
    2. Also, you can refer to this answer from @DavidSmith  which is a question someone asked earlier about customer satisfaction scores.


    If either of those don't solve your question, come back here and let me know. I'll give you step by step instructions.

  • Hi Jared,

    As i understand from your tier pricing article ,you are picking the price that will fall between the Upper and lower limit.

    But my problem is different , in my scenario i have a payout grid where slabs are same for every month and the problem is to provide the functionality to define this payout grid at different type of list.and the no.of list can be up to 10. 

    Ex: In April month Payout % is applicable for 4 no. of list. but in may month payout grid cab be define at 8 no. of list, so accordingly calculation will happen.